Hey guys. After sometime from being away from doing lowpoly prop modeling, I'm officially back into it. A good buddy of mine, suggested I do an old radio and here it is at the highpoly stage. Still working on it.
As far as presentation goes, I tried to figure out a lighting setup that would work. And this is what I got. There are plenty of good tuts out there on this topic for max, but I'm working in maya and not too many tuts for material rendering. Any crits and suggestions are welcome.
Yeah, bout time u posted! it looks good man. Tho the main silhoutte is more circular and organic. Rather than box like. The 2 cones at the top would look a lot better if u made them into actual geometry. They would blend better on the geometry.
I really agree with raul on his post. While it is still good to be doing small props like this it is simply not going to be very interesting to see a variation of a chamferred box. Game props like this are not going to have near the polycount that you are putting up here, so I think that silhouette is going to have to be your main focus when modeling. I can't really tell from your renders if you have a low poly for these props. The details that you are putting in on the main controls for the radio, for example NEED to be normal mapped. If you were to see these props in game, as the player you would run by them without giving them a second glance. Having said that, props like the ones you are posting need to be more simple and much lower in polycount. Work on your high poly to low poly skills and you will really have some good assets! Keep workin it man
Raul, Darkmaster thanks guys! Yea I after some initial casting, I reduced my poly count by a lot. After doing some test bakes I found that my geometry was giving me a lot of propblems, such as weirdshading on my lowpoly. I' doing all this in maya btw. And I think I got it fixed now. As it stands the lowpoly is at 1708 tris.
clean low poly!!! The only thing i would say is that the knobs problably dont need that bevel. and at the bottom where the stripes for the speakers are, you may cast that on to it to save more polys. And the same goes for those cones at the top. May be able to just cast that into the main geo. Lets see some textures on this, biatch!
And here we go. I've significantly reduced my model from 1708 tris to 876 tris. I'm mirroring the knob so, thats why it isn't in there. This is my final stuff if there are no further comments or problems and I'll be off to texturing. I'm also using Xoliul shader for previewing my model. Big thanks to Laurens Corijn for developing this great tool for Maya. Here is a link to his site www.laurenscorijn.com
ah nice nice bud. looking good. yeah some weird shading like Raul said. The poly count is nit and low.. I still see places that can be reduced even more so on the top area. where the geometry goes across from one side to another.. there are many that can be collapsed from what i can see on that bottom right image. Looking good though!
tnx guys! yea idk maybe its the way i set up my lights or something. Yes, Jonathan your right. I went back and collapsed some of those lines and my silhouette didn't really suffer either. Tnx for the feedback
Looks good, altough the golden part dosnt match as raul said.
It seams a bit more cartoony than it's real life version, especially the screws they seam to be like a sticker, while they are more sunken in in the refrence.
To get gold i usually have my diffuse as a slightly dark brownish sort of thing, and a goldy/red/orange brighter colour in the spec. a coloured spec will help sell materials like gold and copper alot more.
hey dude, looking good! yeah I agree with everyone else. the spec map is what is lacking in some colorization to really make that gold be more gold. And add more to the spec for the red area to make it more shiny.
After a bit a very busy couple of month I'm posting! Here is a slot machine that I've completed a month back. Was a very challenging piece and I've learned a lot from it.
Please make the guitar strings with geometry. It'll only cost you tens of triangles and it'll save you texture space and overdraw(due to alpha) and it'll look a wee better.
GREAT JOB BUD!!! I agree with Raul one the spec, maybe a pintch of wood grain color in the spec where the wood shows. Cause that wood is looking a little to flat and plain, I think if some color was coming off of it from the spec, it would really feel more real. something you might want to try. might or might not work.
Tnx guys! Yes, I am definitely redoing the spec on the guitar. The slot machine could use more love as well
Snader - As far as making the strings geometry...hmm. Somehow I think it would be more that 10 tris, but I agree the overdraw doesn't help. I'll try that out.
The spec really needs a lot more work, the "black" area on the front of the guitar would be one of the shinier parts. And if your using that much tri's already, I would of modeled the metal bits on the back. Also on the back of the base of the neck in the reference there's a triangle /\ shape that is missing on the final model. Also the bigger chrome are a little boring,
Gene, looking great man. As for the strings, just 2 polys per string will do, just make them thin and pull them from the top to the bottom and you are done:) Texture one string on the far right of your uv map, and use it for each string, making the texture the thickest string, taking out the alpha. Texture work is getting better, but you need to push the character and story of each piece, what its been through, how it has been used, etc, etc. Keep up the good work, and looking forward to your next piece.
Very nice stuff! The materials are still looking too flat though. I'm guessing you're using a spec map but the specularity on the material is very low. You should push it further so you'll get the right kind of specularity on each material of the guitar(ie wood looks more like wood and metal has more specularity etc). Your models and textures are looking really nice though. Keep up the good work!
What shader are you using btw? Are these max renders?
Goraaz - Tnx man! I'm using marmoset to view my stuff. So, this is Marmoset. Highpoly renders and evyrything else is done in XSI. My spec was brighter, but i darkened it because it was way to shiny in some parts, but I lost the highlight on the wood. I'll get that fixed.
rework the texture. The contrast on the normal metal is way too high, thus it looks a little like rock..... In fact, even the brown handle is too high contrast. Neither does it look like its its own material.
I think you need to tone the scratches down on that hand gun a bit. I don't know what it would have to go through to get THAT scratched up but it probably wouldn't be usable at that point lol. Wear and tear is good, just don't over do it.
I'd be tempted to mirror the doors, only have two different types of wheels, making the under-carriage UV-shell smaller. In the end you want to spend the UV-space on the most interesting parts of the vehicle and the parts that the player will see the most. As it is now it's a little bit wasteful However! Great work presenting the work and really really nice texture work
Here is a Phurba dagger based on the concept from Uncharted 2. Really liked it, so decided to make into a game prop.
*images deleted to save bandwidth*
That dagger bears a strong resemblance to the dagger from "The Shadow" which was a magical dagger that would follow the command of its master, and it could bite!
ur modeling is really good. but you gotta work on your texturing. I noticed this on your hand gun and the car. Ur plain metal textures are way too noisy. Almost rocky.
Also, the specular map on the car is too white. Tone it down. Rust is supposed to be much darker, and paint and shiny bits shouldn't be so bright. You seem to be only using the extremes of the spectrum.
someone is starting to get his game up! Looking cool, bro!
2 things i would say is that, texture is hard for anyone. So keep working on that. Adding to that, the trick to doing awesome textures is to keeping things subtle. YOu've got too much grunge going on. Bring it down..... and some more.
chrisradsby - Thanks! From the begging the doors were going to be different. The door on the right has a huge dent in it. But I do see your point. If I could redo it I'd probably mirror it and focus on just one door.
Heartless - When I saw it, I knew I had to make it in 3d!
greevar - after I got the game I did some research on the dagger and it is actually pretty cool. Ancient Tibet has some crazy history.
roosterMAP - I have to agree with you and it is something I'm working on diligently. I will fix it for sure.
raul - tnx buddy! yea, i'll bring the grunge down a notch. Still getting a hang of the whole "subtle thing".
That dagger reminds me of the dagger from the movie 'the shadow'. It had some living dagger in it...
I'm curious to how the alpha channel in your specmap looks like. Is it dark? If it is then try making it brighter and check the results. The specularity on the car looks too flat still. I don't see any highlights. Did you turn off the shadows? I don't see that either :S (I'm guessing that you're using marmoset for the car and the gun too).
Great models though. I think what you need is a good material definition on your models and judging the textures will be easier(at least for me... Don't know about the rest of the guys here). Keep it up!!!
Looking good! Your modelling skills are excellent. You clearly are not afraid to tackle serious detail and it looks like you've been pulling it off. I agree that your texture work needs a bit of toning down, maybe put a bit more thought into the spec maps as well. Cool props!
(I've been working on an old 1940s radio as well, I think yours is better than mine).
Looking good man, dont be afraid to exaggerate some of those details and making them bigger. So that when they bake they dont turn into a pixel dot. Keep on trucking!
Keep it up!
Pretty cool model.
It seams a bit more cartoony than it's real life version, especially the screws they seam to be like a sticker, while they are more sunken in in the refrence.
The slot machine, doesnt look finished yet. Give it more love!
Snader - As far as making the strings geometry...hmm. Somehow I think it would be more that 10 tris, but I agree the overdraw doesn't help. I'll try that out.
Jessica - thx! btw ur portfolio looks amazing.
What shader are you using btw? Are these max renders?
Goraaz - Tnx man! I'm using marmoset to view my stuff. So, this is Marmoset. Highpoly renders and evyrything else is done in XSI. My spec was brighter, but i darkened it because it was way to shiny in some parts, but I lost the highlight on the wood. I'll get that fixed.
Oh yeah, great work with the dagger, top notch!
Keep it up man!
That dagger bears a strong resemblance to the dagger from "The Shadow" which was a magical dagger that would follow the command of its master, and it could bite!
Also, the specular map on the car is too white. Tone it down. Rust is supposed to be much darker, and paint and shiny bits shouldn't be so bright. You seem to be only using the extremes of the spectrum.
You have great modeling skills tho.
2 things i would say is that, texture is hard for anyone. So keep working on that. Adding to that, the trick to doing awesome textures is to keeping things subtle. YOu've got too much grunge going on. Bring it down..... and some more.
Heartless -
greevar - after I got the game I did some research on the dagger and it is actually pretty cool. Ancient Tibet has some crazy history.
roosterMAP - I have to agree with you and it is something I'm working on diligently. I will fix it for sure.
raul - tnx buddy! yea, i'll bring the grunge down a notch. Still getting a hang of the whole "subtle thing".
I'm curious to how the alpha channel in your specmap looks like. Is it dark? If it is then try making it brighter and check the results. The specularity on the car looks too flat still. I don't see any highlights. Did you turn off the shadows? I don't see that either :S (I'm guessing that you're using marmoset for the car and the gun too).
Great models though. I think what you need is a good material definition on your models and judging the textures will be easier(at least for me... Don't know about the rest of the guys here). Keep it up!!!
(I've been working on an old 1940s radio as well, I think yours is better than mine).
Looking good man, dont be afraid to exaggerate some of those details and making them bigger. So that when they bake they dont turn into a pixel dot. Keep on trucking!
Raul - Tnx buddy! Yea I did make some things bigger, next thing is lowpoly.
Here is the final render on the shotgun: