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Mafia 2

polycounter lvl 11
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|Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
So what do you guys think now that it's released?

I'm going to play it tommorow when it finally unlocks in EU.

I'm pretty excited for it due to the fact that people who don't directly compare it with IV say that its as good as the first one.


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    I hope I get mine tomorrow
    and i hope i'll have time to play it.
  • [iWi]
    I've played the demo - all works fine to me !
    Textures, animations, render,... even the ride.
    I hope that the story will be OK (at least like the first one).
    Gonna buy tomorrow.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    I'll need to wait for next month, but I haven't been looking forward for a game like this for a long time.
  • MattLichy
    I've been waiting for 8 years for this game, and honestly am kind of dissapointed.

    The story was good, but felt rushed/too short, and just didn't have some of the character development as the 1st, or pacing. Some missions were waaay to short, or left you saying wtf... why didn't I get to do that?

    But, the Audio/Music in the game is some of the best I've heard. The orchestral stuff they did was amazing... so emotional. Voice acting was also top notch, and made it that much better.

    The engine they made looks beautiful, but has some issues running smooth for a long period of time, and is pretty demanding on high settings.

    I guess the biggest thing besides what I said earlier that bothers me, is that they cut out multiple missoins they had made a year ago for who knows what, and they also dumbed down the melee ALOT :(.

    Still worth playing for sure. They also need FreeRide... damnit!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    demo was ok, though the graphics did not blow me away they were fairly nice.
    environments looked like they had a lot of love on them
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Gotta wait a few more hours ( Direct2Drive doesn't preload. meh ).
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I thought the demo looked amazing (I saw it on a very high-end PC though). The engine had everything looking so so crisp and the art was great! :) Very impressed.
  • Snipergen
    Phew, finished the game. Man, what a great ride.

    About the ending:
    Kinda lame don't you think?? But man the part where you have to shoot Tommy Angelo from the original Mafia.. that was brilliant, didn't see that coming. Also Marty's death, you could see that coming from the first line he said.
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I've played about 5-6 hours and it's enjoyable enough, but ultimately quite disappointing. In terms of the game design, it doesn't feel like much of a step forward from the first game. I was hoping for a greater variety of mission types and ways to interact with the world. There are some missions that have been well thought through that have multiple stages to them(the hotel job for example), but overall they feel quite repetitive. The melee combat works ok, but the system is too simplistic and there are way too many missions that revolve around hand to hand fighting.

    The story feels like it's been put through the Take2 'Controversifier' with a lot of embarrassing 'adult' language and situations that come off as very immature. It's like Goodfellas rewritten by a 13 year old.

    I'm still enjoying it though and the artwork throughout is top-notch with a lot of attention paid to small details. The music selection works really well to give the game a flavour of the era. Were car radios that prevalent in the 40s? I guess that doesn't matter!
  • ScudzAlmighty
    that's really disapointing, but seems on par with games where they constantly emphise that they are designing for consoles (either as well or as the main focus). I loved the first game and even though it took 6 hours I beat that fucking race too, but half of what made it so good in the first place was the sheer epicness of the scope. Gawd I hope they didn't cut the car viewer in the main menu.

    I wonder how much of the cuts are a result of keeping the same content across the platforms and smallest one setting the cap. Install being optional on 360 they'd be limited to the dvd whereas PS3 has blueray and pc has whatever the user has?

    it's got me pretty worried about Crysis 2 as well, the video's look nice and all but if it runs at anythinh over 14fps on 1-year-old pc I'm gonna be pissed:poly127:
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I have a really hard time playing these kinds of games for extended periods of time. I just feel that there isn't really that much to do, no matter how big the world is.
    In GTA, you can go bowling with people, and all that shit. Red Dead, you can shoot and skin animals, play card games, whatever. Mafia 2..? Saints Row 2..(Admittedly parachuting onto roof tops and firing rockets was fun for liike, 2 hrs)
    I'll hold off on the purchase of such games until one comes along that really seems like there's STUFF to do. Or at least Destructible enviroments Red Faction style :O
  • piippo

    party babyz is the better game :o
  • Snipergen
    I don't get these reviews. I mean, if you played the 1st game you KNOW what to expect, and I wasn't dissapointed at all. I'm a huge Mafia fan and I got exactly what I wanted.
    People that cry that it's not a GTA game should play GTA. I like Mafia 2 more than Saints Row 2, Just Cause 2 or GTA 4. This game is pretty realistic. Walk around with a gun IRL on the streets and the cops WILL arrest you, it's as simple as that. I even put the driving to simulation in the options. I like realism.

    Also that Eurogamer review 4/10 what the hell is that about?
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    I don't see what the problem is, why are people expecting a game that isn't GTA to be GTA?
    I played through the game, I absolutely loved it for what it was, and I sure as hell know it wasn't supposed to be GTA 5.

    It's as though I was taking part of an old amazing Mafia movie that lasted quite a lot longer than an hour and a half, I definitely respected this.

    The only problem is that because the game was so immersive, there wasn't too much room to explore the open world, I was too eager to get to the next chapter to see what was next.
    So because of this, I'll go ahead and play it again on Hard and take my time finding everything and just enjoying the open world.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Rai wrote: »
    I don't see what the problem is, why are people expecting a game that isn't GTA to be GTA?

    Exactly! That's why no one should take reviews too seriously!

    You know what to expect, just enjoy your game and fuck the rest! :)
  • MattLichy
    No, it's not that it's not like GTA, I don't care about that. To me it felt rushed, some missions were very short and or the cutscenes would show things you would want to play, but couldn't. Also the fact they cut alot of stuff out that was in a year ago and looked awesome sucks. I still liked it, and will keep messin around with it, but I am kind of disapointed.
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    MattLichy wrote: »
    No, it's not that it's not like GTA, I don't care about that. To me it felt rushed, some missions were very short and or the cutscenes would show things you would want to play, but couldn't. Also the fact they cut alot of stuff out that was in a year ago and looked awesome sucks. I still liked it, and will keep messin around with it, but I am kind of disapointed.

    Would you still feel the same way if you didn't see what could have been?

    It's honestly not that short, 14 hours is a very long time.. I don't mean to retort or anything, but to go to a movie is about 9 dollars right?
    So add that up a little, 6 movies would then be about the same price as Mafia 2, which is roughly 9-14 hours.

    Do you think the game is easily measurable to a great movie? I do.
    And I sure as hell know Inception didn't have Pinups. ;)
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I'm also not bothered that the game's open world aspect is less of a focus. Part of the reason I liked Mafia so much was that the central story and missions were so strong. With Mafia II, I could forgive the empty feeling that the city gives me if the missions had been handled more imaginitively and had showed more ambition. It's a competent game, but there aren't really any memorable moments to rival those in the first game.
  • MattLichy
    That's the thing for me, the 1st had alot more impact on me and I remember alot more about that game, and that was 8 years ago :S
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Dont know, I thought the second was better. Better cars, better music, actually all around better atmosphere. Story was good, and it actually had a few twists and always kept you guesing. The scene in the start when you get off the train in the winter time with your bag heading back home, almost brought tears to my eyes when I heard "let it snow, let it snow" soundtrack in the backround. It was as I was there. THis game is clearly in the top 3 best sandbox games alongside GTA4 and Red Dead.
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Found some nice posters for the hardcore Mafia fans out there. I have a really nice printer in my appartment and Im gonna print them out and frame them on the wall.





  • MattLichy
    That first one is awesome. :D

    It really does suck about that game.. it could have been so much better.... but alot of ppl have been modding it alot already. So it's becoming better :).
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    been playing this never got round to playing 1 but damn I love 2
  • MattLichy
    Play 1, the story is much better in the 1st, as well as the characters.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished it.. storyline seems incomplete to me..

    but fantastic game ..
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    My guess is tbat they are gonna expand on Dlc, since there is a lot of unused potential in the city.
  • MattLichy
    They are taking content they made in the 1st place and getting more money out of it. They also said Mafia isn't supposed to be a GTA clone, but then Jimmy's Vendetta is very much that.

    I do hope they release some actual good DLC though. But the modders already got a good Multiplayer setup going and ppl are doing texture modes and LUA injectors, so it's all good. They even found Free Roam, a whole UI that was in the code and unlocked it, so I just play around with that.

  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    any idea when its out ?
  • MattLichy
    Multiplayer? Hopefully soon, not sure though. They have a scoreboard working, player names, syncing pretty good, other alerts and whatnot.

  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Jimmy's Vendetta is pretty much "Freeride Extreme" from Mafia 1.

    I enjoy playing it btw
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    MattLichy wrote: »
    Multiplayer? Hopefully soon, not sure though. They have a scoreboard working, player names, syncing pretty good, other alerts and whatnot.


    naww the rest of the story .. lol

    I looked at vandetta... but decided not to get it..
  • MattLichy
    They said the ending was supposed to leave us going wtf??? So I don't think they will release an ending, and after the sales figures, prob. will have to close up shop. Although I've heard 20+ ppl from the studio left, but I don't know if that's true.

    The engine is beautiful, they have alot of cool shit, they just didn't have enough gameplay and replay value to hold it together, at least without mods....
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    I've started playing on PC but it seems like my rig isn't strong enough, so I'm waiting for my xbox to get fixed and will probably get it there. So far it's been pretty pretty.+)
    MattLichy wrote: »
    They said the ending was supposed to leave us going wtf??? So I don't think they will release an ending, and after the sales figures, prob. will have to close up shop. Although I've heard 20+ ppl from the studio left, but I don't know if that's true.

    Hey, mate, I'm sorry If I appear rude, but do you mind sharing where you got the info about people leaving the company? It's just that I'm really looking into this company to probably find a job there and I was wondering when I saw your post...thanks
  • MattLichy
    I heard it from a mod site, so who really knows. I emailed them about work as well a while ago, but I was asking if I could work remotely if possible.

    But the Devs were tweeting and the one posted a link to a Mafia 2 petition for 2K to release the Full game, haha. I don't think they were too happy with how it turned out.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I finished it this past Sunday, while I wish it was given the team equivalent to RDR in order to feel bigger in scope, seeing it average 7.4 on metacritic utterly astounds me. Usually I agree with review averages, but somehow the reviews of this game are wayyyy off imho. Firstly, the art in the visuals, audio and technology is top notch, I played the PC version with high specs and just...wow...top notch art direction, my eyes, ears and brain were constantly treated well. It was a well written story, and a joy to play, I wish the hand to hand combat didn't feel so rigid, but otherwise this game is really solid with a ton of moments that make it stand out, I really cared about the characters, and felt genuinely touched if they were hurt or killed, any review that says this is less that 8/10 I completely disagree with. Really damn good game I'd liken to Max Payne 2, very solid and worth any gamer's time, especially if you love crime dramas.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I'm loving it so far... I hate the hate!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    A pretty cool game, with great acting and a unique setting. I love anything with heists. Some of the gameplay stuff is lame though. I tried 3 times to do the "deliver the gas stamps" until I finally gave up and just sat and watched the time run out.
  • MattLichy
    Yeah, I thought I failed that one and got pissed, then found out it didn't matter, lol.
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