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looking for second education as game artist in Canada / USA: Hints?

polycounter lvl 7
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noktek polycounter lvl 7
Hello there.
I'm a 25 y/o swiss guy who just earned his Bachelor in Game design here in Switzerland, even thou i'm kind of self-taught. Since the game industry does pretty much not exist at all here and i was not that happy with what i've learned at school yet, i thought i could move to canada or USA for a couple of months to follow some "aimed" courses in order to (you might have noticed) learn some more english while perfecting my skills.

I would say my favourite "field" in the game production pipeline is illustration/conceptart, but i also like how you have to think about how to bring your 2d concept 3d. I do like computers, but id rather draw. Furthermore, there IS hope for a job as illustrator in switzerland, so id rather focus on that, while mastering 3d aswell, "taking it easier". Tough all the sculpting work was done via tablet, i havent been working on 2d stuff in digital form yet ( i like to draw/paint with analog medias rather than digital), but i know i have to learn to do that since everyone else is and it is so much more easy and efficient and blablabla.. (seriously, id really like to)

I do not necessairly want to keep studying, but it is easier to learn a new language without the burden of work/expectations etc. on your back.

While money wouldnt probably be the bottleneck, i do not have that much confidence in schools like Gn*mon or esc*pestudi*s, both of them have stellar rates. But id like to hear opinions on that, too.

I will now post a couple of pictures and the trailer from my bachelor work so you can get an idea of my actual level, and then hopefully give me hints if you have any. I've been doing all 2d/3d/animation/grafical work, while the other dude has coded everything in Unity(and even made an editor for me to work with!)

It is a fairy-tale game for childrens between 10-15, and girls seem to like it more than boys. There's no violence (but you are scared of the dark, shouldn't stay too long in the sun to avoid getting sunburnt, when it rains to hard you cant see much, etc) and all textures are hand painted with water colours, ink and coloured pencil.


i guess this thread could also be moved in the showcase section now, but it really is about how to get further education in the above said directions.

thanks for your time


  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Hey man, I'll cut straight to my opinion: I think you're at a level where spending a lot of money on studies is not justified anymore. You'll get further by just practising yourself.

    I can't really judge your 3D skill level exactly, but allow me to say i love what i see in that video. It's unlike anything i've seen before, like a dreamy, strange painting come to life.

    Your 2D art looks well on its way, though I suspect you need to push it to a higher level to be able to get a game job (concept artist skill requirements are extremely high). Doing digital painting is a must I think, but I'm sure you'll pick it up fast and gain your own style quickly (everybody who is good with traditional painting seems to do so).

    edit: and your english seems excellent from what I read.
  • noktek
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    noktek polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah i must admit im not a great fan of schools and courses, its mostly about the time span it gives you to work on your stuff and practice and it also results in a piece of paper some people seem to like that much... And since i kinda have no idea of where to start with a pen tablet for 2d/photoshop customizing etc i thought that following a course would be a good idea.. by staying home i slack to much.. but yeah i guess good tutorials could do as well.. or some one-two-three months intensive course.. and as said its also to work on my (spoken) english, to get me fluent..
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    If you feel that you slack at home ( i agree, because i do the same) and you need to learn more and have the spare cash lying around then theres no better way to spend it. But i agree with Xoliul, your work is awesome, i really dig the dreamy feeling and i hope to achieve the same "Dreamy" archetype one day myself with my own art!

    But my advice is, if you HAVE the money too, then do it, but don't put yourself in a bad place.

    Also if you don't have a portfolio website i suggest getting one, if even a temporary one (coming from me its kinda funny, cause my portfolio has not been updated for some time) and if you do post the site id like to check it out and keep updated on it, i really do enjoy your work!

    I myself am a new artist (like brand new) i am in a multimedia program at a college, but i feel like i learnt a lot more, by studying other peoples art and watching how they work.

    Also there are many online, websites that have tutorials such as Digital Tutors or the Gnomon Workshop. I myself am subscribed to digital tutors and i love it!

    Sorry with my giant wall of text, just trying to help, even thou im a fairly big noob! haha :P

    Also ur english was great!
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Man that video is amazing! I agree with everything that was said, you don't need to go to school, you wont learn anything there (except maybe vfs or gnomon and schools like that).

    Another questions, what editor are you using? I saw a video in your youtube profile where you were creating landscape. It's Unity? or made from Unity?
  • noktek
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    noktek polycounter lvl 7
    Has anybody done any of the courses at Gnomon? the 2d analog-media courses seem a bit of a waste of money, digital might be more appropriate..and the 3d ones look good aswell!

    PP: Getting a portfolio is my first entry on the to do list indeed. now that i think over it the best way would probably get a 50% job or so in the field and keep working on stuff i have and finish polishing etc.. or do some intensive course.. the vfs lasts a year i wouldnt want to spend that amount of time on that)

    XK: it's an editor made in unity (compiled app). You might notice on the top in the middle theres a "PLAY" button. from that you go from editor mode to play mode.the guy i was working with really enjoys doing that kind of things (tools that allow others to do the job easier and quicker on the long term)

    thanks for the nice comments!
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Also definitely start looking for places you can apply for internships or something like that, your definitely skilled enough!
  • Noia
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    Noia polycounter lvl 15
    I want to play that game! :D

    http://www.weebly.com or Wordpress is a fast way to set up a portfolio. I think with what you have, you should try to apply for an internship or job.
  • Mark Dygert
    I agree with Xoliul, I think all you need to do, is practice and refine the skills you already have. It's probably frustrating being cut off from where the action is but I think your time and money would be better spent taking some online courses or going over some Gnomon DVDs to pick up a few more tricks.
  • nick2730
    DO NOT INVEST IN SCHOOL.Worst mistake you will ever make. Learn from here, free site and such. Even spend the money on dvds like gnomon or eat3d. WAY better then an education

    I went to a 3d school im stuck with a major loan and no job
  • noktek
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    noktek polycounter lvl 7
    thanks for all the kind feedback, i see theres no one rooting for schools.
    I somehow suspected it, but wanted to be sure. Even though i wouldnt say no to some matte painting course.

    Noia: We (my friend and I) really hope we can keep working on that project, the "coming 2012" was meant for fun, fundings are what we need, but for that we'll probably have to keep working on the proto another three or four months

    Vig: Another fact that comes into play is im ready to bet USA and Canada are already flooded by any kind of game design immigrants.. "either you're really good at what you do, or you're the only one doing it." Do you know any specific digital peinting tutorial "from the ground up" you would reccomend?

    nick: The prices are crazy, one might think "whoa that expensive? that must really be the top".. havent heard any enthusiast yet...

    another consideration is, i fear all they teach is in "american style" (no offense, its my way to describe super cool nasty heroes a la stanlee/mcFarlane), and I'm not quite sure id love that.
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