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Model problem with UDK

Hi to all, in the last days i was trying to create a Sci-Fi environment in 3ds Max, rendered maps in xNormal and then export to UDK.
The problem is when i export the model in UDK with 3ds max (.ASE format), the result is very crappy in comparison to the xNormal 3D Viewer.

xNormal screen 1#
xNormal screen 2#

UDK screen 1#
UDK screen 2#

I have applied only a base diffuse texture and a normal that i have baked with xNormal, why this difference between the rendering?
All low poly model have one single smoothing group, can be this the problem?
Thanks for the answers and sorry for my english. :)


  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Have you baked the lighting, and if so, have you have an UV for the shadowmap?
    You need to bake the lighting to see it properly, and if you still get those half light/half dark meshes, its because you need to have a unique secondary UV for your shadow maps. Either make it in 3ds max or go into the static mesh viewer (just double click the mesh in UDK browser) and generate a quick uv there.
  • Ben Apuna
    In addition to what McGreed said, it looks like you need to invert the green channel of your wall's normal map.

    With future xNormal bakes you can change the normal map "Y" swizzle coordinate setting to "Y-" to save yourself the trouble of having to manually invert the green channel in Photoshop.
  • Covin
    Thanks for the answer, i have tried to create an UV from the static mesh viewer with default properties and then set the light map coordinate to channel 1 with 128 of resolution, in the finish i have builded the light with "Production" quality.
    This is the result, the process is fine or i have forgotten something?

    EDIT: Thanks Ben for the info.
  • Oniram
    Offline / Send Message
    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    something also.. it looks as if youve imported an unsmoothed mesh. often times you will see results like that in 3ds max (if thats the 3d software you're using) if u just put everything in 1 smoothing group. ive found sometimes that i would import a model and it would have that result (last recalled occurrence was in ut3 so i dont know if that was fixed or not). when i went back to 3ds max i found that the faces with the problem had NO smoothing group. therefore unreal tries to find the best way possible to fit those faces with the same smoothing as their adjacent faces, which can cause some bad results if you have any harsh angles past 45 degrees.
  • Covin
    Yes, all the models of the scene have only one smoothing group expect for the pillar.
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