So I wanted a place where I could journal my art endeavors. Been really bad at applying concepts that I seem to spend hours researching and reading about:poly122:, so I figured what better way to apply them than in a public forum so here we go! Much Crits appreciated trying to learn as much as possible.
tl;dr Practice Good Laziness Bad GO GO ART
So gonna start off with hand painted stuff both WIP Failures and some mediocre "finished" stuff.
Failed attempts:
Very WIP stone bricks
Failed attempt at stone wall: Top left was me experimenting
Other Stuff:
Viking building flats
Stone Study (fun fact was at friends house so did it all with a mouse)
Ideally I want to post something new every day but realisticly will probly have something to show every few days. :P
Yeah figured I would post the little WIP I did make today :poly124:
It does look like you're planning them out, but I get the feeling that you don't put much thought into the brick patterns.
That said, if what you're after is something more rocky and random, then you need to make sure it looks that way - rather than straddling the line in between the two.
That's just my assumption anyway, hope it helps.
It's a project for school where we had to design and animate a 5-10 second logo