Just an idea but I think this community is the right size for a shout box, just a little chat box that refreshes every other second or so where the members can chat.
What do you guys think? I think it's a good idea because sometimes when I'm working on something and I get stuck a bit it's so tedious to find a fix.. Also fun to talk to a lot of people at one without msn/skype whoring

Thanks for the irc didn't know about it.
But could be nice!
kaze369 I love Skype
Thats what you have mods for or at least persistent persons with hammers.
It would be nice to have some kind of more immediate communication, for interrogation.
The problem is, a very small box is quite useless so you need to make it pretty big and if it were in a decent position, it would get in the way a lot of the times generating much more unnecessary clutter.
So overall, no thanks!
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I couldnt agree more. gameartisans design always kept me away from it. It's none less than bad and cluttered!
we can't let too many people meet noel
mutated twin living in the walls odd.
You guys think that it would make the forum all together more messy, because of the fact that there will be a bawks on the forum, that may be true, depends on how it's executed.
I think that having it will reduce the unnecessary posts because people might use the shoutbox to post their blabber rather than a thread
I agree and disagree at the same time... hmmmm
I can defiantly see this point as valid for General Discussion. Im sure ZakD would LOVE the side chat box. Then again I doubt that would go to post counts so maybe not :P
But like adam said its always great to have a thread for even seemingly unimportant topics as what is trivial to some, for others it can be a big help. Not to mention all the people who lurk here just to learn.
Also with full fledged threads you can have lots of input from people discussing different ways to approach the same situation.
But lets say if I wanted to post something like this:
I would feel uncomfortable to make a post about it, but would still like to share it with PC..
Looks like sensible arty discussion in there at the moment, so presumably these can work well enough in a community like this if we felt so inclined to implement one.
you can talk..
and no a shoutbox is not a good idea.. its a gimmick and gimmicks last for a week then no one will use it and someone will have to remove it. PC has a well established framework for answering questions and dealing with stuff.. use it..
I used to use IRC quite a lot, but these days I always forget to start mIRC up.
That I can relate to fully!
I read Polycount for discussions about gaming and art (mostly art). There is a reason that Pimping and Previews comes before General Discussion.
By 'clutter', I mean unnecessary stuff filling the design of the page. Polycount looks nice and organized and the more features that get added to every page, the messier the whole thing is. I don't care about useless threads as much as I do about clean web design.
Ah I understand now, maybe the idea for the irc link on the topbar could be replaced with a chat porgram?
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