I'm excited for little big planet 2 and have had countless hours of fun with the first one, whos getting it ?
and who hopes to get a beta key for the Beta ?
I want it too!Oh wait, I actually am working on it, nvm then. Only problem is, like with the first one, is that Im gonna be fed up with it by the time it comes out. Still fun to play though with my little brother.
LBP was alright at most. I had fun for the two days I played it, then after... I guess the fun was supposed to kick in with online play and making levels. But will get it anyways, it keeps the kids away when they are over.
Yah, the kids get sucked in more then us adults. Well as long as your young at heart and creative you will probably love this. But it does get hard sometime.
Has the 3D layer glitch that people use to make 3D back grounds in lbp 1 become a feature ? or the double thin layer glitch ? has that become a feature in LBP2 ?
The collectors edition looks pretty sweet: [ame]http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003O6ED7S/?tag=softsailor-20[/ame]