Hey guys im having a hard time hoping you can help me out. Im building an environment which is going in unreal. Im currently building an archway. I have a very basic mesh in max which i will import into zbrush detail then bring back into max. My question is, after watching the pillar dvd by eat3d what is the bext way to export out of zbrush using decimation master or retopologize in max. I did the walkthrough on the pillar and was rather simple but it was done in mudbox. Anyone know a decent tut done from zbrush? Going high to low poly and including mapping?
Let me know if this pipeline is correct
In max create base LP Mesh, then create edge loops so it sub divides correct in zbrush
Export out .obj to zbrush
Import and create new tool in zbrush sculpt away
Export HP .obj from zbrush
Run Decimation Master to create medium poly game model, save as obj
Import Medium obj and High obj from zbrush
UV map medium then bake high poly to medium poly
Medium Poly is game model
decimating the highpoly to some extent is also advisable to reduce baking times and improve the performance in max. basicly if a triangle on the highpoly takes up less than a pixel of space on the final texture it won't really make a noticable difference in the final result.