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New to 3D art looking for help

Hello Polycount I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this my apologies if this is out of place. I have been a huge fan of the site for a long time and have now decided to create an account and get my feet wet in the world of 3D art, But my question is...where to start? I have really no idea where to begin If I could get pointed in the right direction like programs I will need or possibly some tutorials would be great. I understand Maya and Zbrush seem to be popular are they what the majority of people are using? I know sandbox2 which i think is the Crysis engine was used to make something like http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68238 was that purely sandbox2? I know this requires dedication but I am willing to take my time and learn and really take up 3D art as a hobby or maybe even something more sorry for such a long post thank you for your time and keep up the amazing work you guys are great!


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