I'll be updating my web site in the next couple months with some recent art I've done. I usually go with 1280x720 but I'm seeing a lot of people are going higher res. I was thinking about doing 1600x900 renders but I just did a mock up and that seems pretty big, like you'd have to be surfing my site in full screen mode which I never do. Maybe something smaller like 1400x788. Opinions?
If you're any good at coding you could make the site scalable depending on the browser window size. If not, it's a good idea to see what percentage of users use what screen res and strike a balance from that.
I'd aim for accessibility. Most of the visitors to my site use a 1280x1024 resolution, and I think going much higher than that would be a bad idea. Why would the renders need to be 1600x900? You could always throw in some detail shots, if that's what you're worried will be missed.
I'm running 1680x1050, and to me, the images on your site seem the perfect size right now. I don't really see what you could gain from increasing the size even further.
Yeah, I like the size of your images the way they are right now.
One possibility is that you could have even larger images after one more click on the presently sized ones. That would make it 3 clicks to get to the full size images, perhaps that's a bit much but really only there for those that really want to see the detail.
Your NBA Street Homecourt work is really nice btw.
Thanks Ben! Maybe I'll stick with 720p then since I don't want to lose the functionality of being able to click the image again to back to the previous page.
I agree with the resolution. Based on my web stats, 90% of visitors use at least a 1280 horizontal screen resolution. So that is the min spec you should design for. That usually means that images should be about 960 pixels across.
My 2cents:
My highres versions are 1920x1200(My desktop res).
I'm a whore for high resolutions / detail. I'm almost always wanting images on folio sites to be bigger.
ah, so thats YOUR portfolio. ive oggled it more than a few times. great stuff.
i think theyre perfect size. im running at 1920x1280 though. maybe leave them at an accessible res but have a way to download all the pics on one page at a high res to their computers?
I'm running 1680x1050, and to me, the images on your site seem the perfect size right now. I don't really see what you could gain from increasing the size even further.
Not to mention the bigger your images are the bigger your flaws show up.
One possibility is that you could have even larger images after one more click on the presently sized ones. That would make it 3 clicks to get to the full size images, perhaps that's a bit much but really only there for those that really want to see the detail.
Your NBA Street Homecourt work is really nice btw.
My highres versions are 1920x1200(My desktop res).
I'm a whore for high resolutions / detail. I'm almost always wanting images on folio sites to be bigger.
i think theyre perfect size. im running at 1920x1280 though. maybe leave them at an accessible res but have a way to download all the pics on one page at a high res to their computers?