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Color vision and variations

polycounter lvl 20
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Vailias polycounter lvl 20
I've noticed for a long time that my eyes often see color different from one another.
Typically my right eye is skewed warmer, and my left eye is skewed cooler.
Specifically I perceive far more oranges and reds in things with my right eye, and more cyans and greens/yellows with my left.
The degree of this effect is somewhat dependant on light source as well. Indoor florescent tubes seem to give consistent lighting (like they're supposed to, even if its skewed green) and also the sun near sunset seems basically consistent, but evening, full sun, and daylight spectrum bulbs produce noticeable color shifts.

In some ways I think of it as a benefit, aiding in overall color perception, though I suppose it would technically be a "genetic defect".

I'm curious as to how many others experience this sort of thing, or some heavy form of color perception issues ala color blindness, and how, if at all, it affects your art.


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