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<b>Twisted games:</b>

Hello everyone! We're currently looking for help with our modification called


<b>Brief description:</b>
Recovery is a first person shooter modification. It has been in production for almost 6 months now. The game is defined around visceral combat and how the player must change his tactics when he suddenly finds himself at the wrong end of the U.S. army.

We are using the Cry-engine 2 as our game engine. Beyond that we are using 3ds Max, Symphobia, and Photoshop as our peripheral software in order to generate content.

<b>Talent needed:</b>
We are in need of
1) Texture artists
2) Modelers
3) Concept Artists

<b>Team structure:</b>
Adam Cohen: Co-lead and level designer
Calum Bellis: Co-lead and lead texture artist
Joao Goncalves: Musical Composition
James Hurley: Graphic artist, website designer
Sam Tow: Texture Artist
Jacob Reynolds: Modeler and animator.


We can be reached at twisteddev@email.com

<b>Previous Work by Team:</b>

This team is new, and so has no previous work to show.

<b>Additional Info:</b>
Recovery is a shooter based in a modern, alternate universe, where the U.S. has occupied Russia. Because of this incursion, Russian terrorists have focused on expunging the U.S. from their borders. Suffice it to say the player enters the game a marine, and leaves as a terrorist.
For screenshots, videos, and more information about Recovery, please visit our website at www.twistedgames.org

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