Hey, I'm normally using an english keyboard layout, but whenever I use e-mail or MSN programs, I often change to Danish so I can use the extra danish letters. The problem is just that I have to change keyboard input setting ever time, so I was wondering if anyone knew a way for Windows 7 to remember which keyboard input setting is for which programs?
I know, but it doesn't remember it from session to session, it keeps only it in the memory and forgets it. I wanted something more permantly (without shortcuts)
Yeah so do I, because I always hit it when I'm working and suddenly my shortcuts doesn't work in the program because layout changed.
No idea, haven't tried that, no idea how to actually get it and still, it would be a bit of a pain, I was just wondering if there would be a way to get around that. Guess not, but thanks anyway.
Can you disable the ALT+CTRL language switchin entirely?
Zooming in the graph editor is screwing with mah hotkeys!
Yeah, just right click the language bar beside the tray and select Settings... (or if you don't have it there, go to Control Panel /Region and Language and then go to the tab Keyboards and Languages and click Change keyboards) and under the Advanced Key Settings you can change the hotkeys there (or change them all to None as I)