Im due a huge crazy holiday as I havent been on one in ages and Ive always wanted to go crazy in Canada so does anyone have any recommendations as to where to go and what to do?
It seems I can get a flight (return) for about £290 ish, so what are hotel prices like in the city?
Really wouldnt mind meeting up with fellow polycounters in the area and if anyone can recommend anywhere else thats cool too!
I have to look forward to something after this silly crunch im on ;(
Learn French, asshole.
The women are super hot.
Don't eat too much Tim Hortons.
The women are really fucking hot.
Most any pub will have great beer on tap.
The women are so damn hot it is retarded.
Take lots oh cash. Taxes are high as balls.
Did I mention the women?
Learn French.
What time were you looking at going? The weather there starting in late August to early September should be nice. The closer to October you go, the nicer (IMO) it will be. However, you could hit October and it would be cold as piss out of absolutely nowhere. Which is what happened to me, so I got the shit out of there and came back home
I have lots of friends in Montreal actually because of the whole "funcom shipping people over"-thing and they say that you don't need to know any french and that it's generally pretty cheap and rocking over there.
There's a ton of game studios aswell so there's bound to be a few polycounters.
I will admit, there were a couple of Swedish chicks in my studio classes in college... and yes, they would blow Montreal out of the water, but in comparison to where I live, the Montreal babes blow where I live out of the water.
You don't need to know French to get by, everyone there speaks English, but the French Canadians don't like that you don't know it
I wouldn't go so far as to say it is cheap. Even when I was staying there, a case of cheap beer was $25-$30. Here it's about $17 for a case of good stuff.
But hey, I don't live there, only stayed for a good while. I'm sure Jacque has some good pointers.
there's probably some other advantages as well - longer work hours, less protection for the employees and you can give people the boot without first sending them to unpaid "vacation" and hoping they'll leave on their own
Mostly french canadians (Most of them reside in quebec) Us regular canadians will talk to you in our funny accents with eh! at the end while eating fries with groteous amounts of cheese, gravy and bacon while drinking milk out of bags. August - October is probably the best time to visit Canada. Not hot and not cold...though the way the weather has been recently, we might be in for a shitty winter. Last winter there was barely any snow...
depends where, if you are in downtown, its likely most people speak english. because lots of people come from outside.
but i agree that the government campaign about bilingual province is quite misleading, not everyone here know both.
not only women are hot, game studio popping out like popcorn. the big players are here.
traffic : quite bad, people cross the street before it green. cars too .. lol, big city everywhere look same .. >_> ....
Most people in Montreal speak both English and French. Mind you, that doesn't mean you'll be able to understand the English. lol.
The traffic in Montreal is absolutely ridiculous as well. But they do have a great public transit system.
Along with that, there are tons of small little restaurants and bars to check out, all of which have a great selection of local beers to try out.
the beer there is so cheap, like 12 bucks a pitcher at most places i went, one place had them for $5 on monday nights.....a recipe for disaster
the women there were smokin hot, the majority pretty skinny and gorgeous european looking minxes.
EA was paying for my apartment in old montreal so I have no idea the cost of hotels etc. the taxes there are only crazy if you live/work there i hear. the nightlife there is awesome, almost every night of the week there is something to do, pubs, clubs and festivals everywhere when I was there. even got to watch stevie wonder live from my buddys balcony overlooking the main stage of the jazz fest!
I would highly recommend checking out Montreal
Shwartz's deli - Montreal style smoked meat
La Banquise - Best poutine in Montreal, and it's open 24 hours
Club Rouge - only if you want to be outnumbered 3:1 by really hot single chicks looking to score
Salon Daome - Cool house music club, for more of a chilled out ambience.
Some of the best pubs:
For Beer:
Dieu du ciel
For Outdoor Terrace:
Pub St.Elizabeth
Saint Supice
For Absynthe
Montreal!!! I heared they hate people who speak in English. So you better learn french.
Banff or Jasper Alberta....before snow and -40 degrees below (if you like nature, hiking, taking photos of huge mountains and wild sheep, etc).
Vancouver...if you want to start industry connections, scope out schools if you're into that, etc.
Toronto....what Blade Runner city looks like for real.
Winnipeg...uh, I don't know what's good here other than you can work as a male sex surrogate if you're into that line of biz (hope none of your clients are old wrinkly ladies).
We have no flying cars......yet.
True...lotsa replicants though.
I wouldnt mind visiting a few studios either to meet up with fellow polycounters or animators ;D but Il work on that later heh..