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Serbu Super Shorty

Hello polycount, I have been lurking on the forums here for a while now and this shall be my first post. I am posting up a model I have been working on for a few days now just for fun and thought I would share its progress. More images to follow, here is a render of the high so far.



  • CapN
    Here is a few more images of the gun, I am just wrapping up modeling some floating geometry for the inside of the chamber then its on to the low poly. Comments and suggestions are always welcome ;)




  • Simmo
    Offline / Send Message
    Simmo polycounter lvl 12
    Is that the shotgun Duke uses in Duke 3D? Heh looks like it. Needs a radioactive symbol at the rear :P

    Looking really good so far, no crits. Looking forward to seeing it textured!
  • Av7xrocker97
    Beautiful piece. Love the grip patterns and the text under the barrel 'Have a Nice Day!'
    How did you do the handle holds? Those nooks where your fingers rest.
  • raul
    Offline / Send Message
    raul polycounter lvl 11
    lol, "have a nice day!" Look cool! Very detailed. I particularly like how clean your wires are. Could u post the reference as well?
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Good clean modeling, looks awesome man!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    "Have a nice day"

    Love it!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    You have great taste in what makes a sweet shotgun :) I am making a super-shortyas well, mixing it with another shotgun though (M37 I think?) Doesn't look anywhere near as cool as yours though, love your edge thickness variation, its spot on.

    EDIT: There seems to be some uglyness going on at the handle hinge hole? Looking at your topology I think maybe split the circular edge again and that might help?
  • CapN
    Hey thanks for the feedback everyone, this has been a fun little project so far!

    - Av7xrocker97
    The finger rests on the grip were somewhat challenging. It took a few tries to come up with a good way of creating them and having them blend in with the rest of the grip. In the end what worked out best was building the main shape of the grip without those finger rests and then adding in extra edge loops and sculpting them in. In a few areas I used the Nurms subdivision toggle and played with the verts on the cage to dial in the smoothness.


    - Raul
    Here is the main ref I based the model on.


    - Blenderhead
    Yeah that little area gave me some probs, the wire frame looks a bit odd but I have checked it from every angle and it is super smooth so I am sure it will bake down fine. I did try putting another loop around the cutout but it did not subdivide in the way I wanted so I just left it :P And thanks for the props!

  • CapN
    Well I finally finished the last bit on the high poly model for the shotgun. Made a number of small adjustments to all the details and added some internal parts to bake down to the normal map, also made sure that all the functional parts work properly.



    The parts on the chamber are all working as well as the cocking arms and front pivoting grip.


    Made a high poly shotgun shell to go along with the gun.
  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    Looks great man, nice flow.

    I would love to see how you create the lowpoly/norms :)
  • Simmo
    Offline / Send Message
    Simmo polycounter lvl 12
    This looks super cool, nice work! I love the work you've done with the mechanicals, the receiver (i believe) on yours is almost identical to the one on the shotgun I'm working on, so I recognise it well hehe.

    The details look amazing, and you've gone to far more detail than me, will be a killer piece. :)
  • CapN
    Hey thanks for the feedback saso you are correct, the original gun does have some sharper edges on the grip. The real grip actually looks somewhat funny where it meets up with the receiver as the lines between the two parts don't really match up very well. The receiver is somewhat rounded and the grip has a few odd sharp angles. I took a little artistic license on redesigning the grip a little bit to make the contour flow a bit better with the receiver, think of it as an aftermarket grip ;) Again thank you for the feedback, I am not dismissing it in any way I just made a decision to stray a bit from the reference in that area.

    I also chose to remove the front sight on my model, looks much cleaner that way imo

  • CapN
    I finished up a quick and dirty low poly model and baked everything down. Turned out pretty good, the low poly grip is a little chunky but im not too worried about it. I was able to get everything down to 9800 tri's. Here's a few max view port screen grabs.



  • edoran89
    looks good man!

    If thats your low poly game model, looks to me like you could still cut it down quite a bit, lots of topology that isnt affecting the sillouette that much
  • EarthQuake
    try putting the "Have" on top, as right now it reads "A Nice Day Have"
  • Firebert
    Offline / Send Message
    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    try putting the "Have" on top, as right now it reads "A Nice Day Have"

    That's because Yoda uses this gun.

    That sentence alone is full of oxymorons.

    Looks good CapN! Keep it up!
  • chadabees
    Bake came out pretty nice!

    "That's because Yoda uses this gun."

    LOL! Comment of the year.
  • CapN
    Thanks for the crits guys ;)

    EarthQuake - I might just rotate the text a hair, or just have the gun always fired sideways all ghetto like... :P

    Firebert - If yoda were to use a shotgun, this would be just his size seing as it is only 16.5" long!

    Here is a quick screen grab of the work in progress textures, it has a diffuse/spec/gloss right now and I am just trying to walk in the values of each to best describe the surfaces before I add any detail. The front end still needs more work...

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