hey everyone! so yeah... this is my new project that is due this monday night.. i had started on wednesday night when i got the project... I am really REALLY struggling here on this one though! I have started over a couple of time trying to figure out the best way to tackle a piece like this thats so freaky detailed! I can't just do floaters either. I kinda have AN idea of how im going to try at it again, but if anyone has any ideas that would be great! I really underestimated this piece... Thanks yall!

This is one of those projects where it's easy to lose sight of the overall underlying shapes due to the amount of surface detail, but the frame itself seems reasonably simple. The rear part is comprised is three main cylinders, with an asymmetrical attachment on the right, surrounded by a support frame that bridges the handle and firing mechanism to the barrels. The trigger handle / firing mechanism is even simpler - the grip is attached to a Y-frame that connects to the main body cylinder with a smaller connecting cylinder.
You've got some good reference, so just take it easy and maybe spend more time blocking in the additional components than you might on a typical model to make sure everything fits together as it should. If it were my project, I'd begin with the bottom-right image as my starting point.
Looking forward to seeing it!
Danshewan - thanks man.
You can stare at it forever trying to figure out the best way to get into it. Shouldn't be too bad once you get started.
Good luck, should be a fun one.
(EDIT: was tired, read that "It's beyond you to model this" and thought it was rude.)
Have you seen his other work? He just started from the wrong end, as he said, thinking too hard about it.
And I agree with the previous comments, consider the basics of it all first. It is pretty much "just cylinders", all the detail is bolted on.
You can do it
You got this shit, brah.
If I had any advice for where you are right now, it would be that there are a few different pieces from the reference that are missing from your WIP that would be easy to add, namely bolts and wires. There are a ton of bolts all over the place on the reference guns, and some quick instancing and editable splines could put a ton of detail into it without much effort.
Can't wait to see the final piece man!
It's looking good, keep at it!
And your mini gun is looking awesome!!
SkyWay - yes sir!
duxun - IM GOING IM GOING!!!
Goraaz - thanks man! well im not actually going to texture the high poly. I'll be just uv mapping the low poly when i make it.
kaburan - thanks man!
Loneworld -
raul - thanks dude!
katana - thank you very much!
AND NOW! BACK TO WORKING ON IT!! My set goal for this bad boy is to have the High poly done by Thursday night! Then finish the low poly on Friday night! bake then texture it Saturday and Sunday!
I may need to bring down the try count here... as im at 6370 tris...:poly132: so yeah.... I blame that on all the cylinders... but Im pretty sure there is still lots to be taken away from.
thegodzero - yeah.... i know what your saying.
Keep it up, can't wait to see this textured