This is what I and a few other Polycounters have been working on. Still in production, but it has been officially announced.
You may recognize a few of these pieces.
From the original announcement:
It is with great pleasure that we at Monochrome LLC are excited to finally reveal our upcoming indie game-
Contagion is a spiritual successor to the hottest Half-Life 2 mod since 2008, Zombie Panic: Source. Eugene and Marcus, icons of the mod return to do what they do best - Survive and stomp out any undead that may cross their path. Contagion will be a story driven, atmospheric experience, throwing you into the middle of a zombie outbreak with a focus on survival. As the player you will not have the luxury of a suitcase of ammo and a trolley to carry along your weapon stash.
Contagion guarantees not to be your average zombie game and will pit you against unique and terrifying enemies, new features, a variety of new weapons to choose from, and a powerful soundtrack that promises to completely immerse the player in the world we've built.
We would like to thank our incredibly loyal community for all their support and point out that it was because of a large number of enthusiastic ZP:S players who asked us to work on a Single Player version that inspired us to move forward with this project. We would also like to thank Valve, who've shown both mod and indie developers a generous amount of support and it is with our trust in them and their ever changing engine that we'll be developing Contagion on the Source Engine. We're also excited to announce that we will be looking for playtesters to test our existing alpha build soon.
-Monochrome LLC
It has been almost a year and we're really close to begin some open testing and release some gameplay footage. Testing will be open to those that register at our forums
If you are really interested in testing, please let me know your username and I will pass it onto our Admin when we send out invites.
Be sure to also check out our newly designed website and also the fan site
Our big push right now is not only for testers but also for fans on Facebook.
Our immediate goal is to reach 1,000 likes. Once we reach this number, we'll be releasing some nice gameplay footage from our developer playtesting. You might even get to hear Marks bitch about how hungry he is.
To pimp some recent updates, below is a handful of promo material that we have been releasing off and on over the past year.
Box Art
Eugene (survivor model by Firebert)
Eugene (zombie model)
AR-15 (by Marks)
Marcus (survivor model partial contribution to Lex84)
Marcus (zombie model)
You can also find us on IndieDB:
and to convert our faithful Zombie Panic Source fans as well as keep them up to date, we can also be found on ModDB:
looks great, though the pistol looks really small in those awesome first person hands.
Scudz: we've talked a lot about teh FOV. I appreciate the feedback. It's been brought up a lot amongst the developers, and while I can't really comment on the direction it is heading, I really do appreciate your opinion.
Still tons to do as you can all well imagine but the feedback has been fairly positive thus far. We'll have some more updates very soon as the pace is crunching up!
Is it the FOV that's causing it? Cause it really felt to me like the pistol needed to be scaled up about 10% I suppose if the FOV setting was adjustable under the options menu then everybody with a different idea of "good" could be satisfied though. I know most games that still actually let you acsess the options menu tend to have this setting. Just a thought anyway. I love me some zombies so I want you to kick ass
We released some new media today. We're also throwing a Halloween Costume Contest over at Monochrome.
Halloween is nearly upon us and it is our pleasure to share with you some more media this week which includes a speed painting by our concept artist Alisher with music done by our sound engineer Ulrich as well as the concept board and finished piece. A new desktop wallpaper (will provide more versions for those not using 1920x1080 in the near future) of Tony this time as a survivor.
The hands look great btw maybe a little too shiny but the atmosphere it creates is great. The levels could do with bit more dressing though? they seem a bit bland at the moment. Great stuff though looking forward to seeing where those cars/lorries are used.
Once GDC ended, we took some time to gather our bearings and review all the feedback we received. All we can really say at this point is that big things will be happening that could make a significant impact on Contagion. Now that we know where we stand and know what we need to do to improve, we're back in business with more determination than ever!
We put together a timelapse sculpt showing one of our modular zombie heads you could encounter while playing. Hope you guys enjoy!
If you are interested in becoming a part of our team, feel free to drop us a line on our website in the jobs section!
Don't forget, you can follow us on Facebook & Twitter!
Checkout our full length gameplay and game mode breakdown trailer on YouTube!
Hope you get those character selection animations sorted though!
I'll definitely be playing this, looks like a mix of zombie panic source and left for dead!