Want to improve and fast track your character modelling training? Then jump into Character Modeling Bootcamp with Mercenary-Studios.com
Our program is taught with the assumption that each student is at least computer literate, but has little to no experience in character modeling. The program starts with the very basics. Students with extensive 3D skills may find the first two hours easy, but by the end of the day, the class becomes challenging for everyone regardless of their background & experience.
In this hands-on workshop, go beyond basic modeling to learn the most important tools and best workflow for modeling characters. Students will be given step-by-step hands-on instruction to learn the necessary skills, and techniques used to create 3D models.
Students will model a mech / robot similar to that featured in the ZEN of ZBrush.
Each student will come away from the workshop with:
- Character Modeling Skillset
- Retopology Skillset
- Confidence to create better models
Introduction To ZBrush
- Concepting the Base Mesh
- Creating ZSpheres / ZSketching
- Smoothing the Character
- Creating Stamps
- Detailing the Character
- Posing the Character
Introduction to 3D Studio MAX
- Importing the Model
- Hard Surface Techniques
- Retopology
- Materials / Shaders Overview
- Render Passes
- Final Image Polish
Seating is limited to 50 Students so register early to ensure your spot is reserved. Registered students will be eligible at a chance to win one of the following:
Wacom Cintiq 21x
Wacom Cintiq 12x
ZBrush 4
* Prizes being raffled are contingent on having the full 50 students
WHEN: October 15th 2010
WHERE: Dallas, Texas
Seating is limited to 50 Students. Register By September 20th and save $75
Instructors are Mike Jensen author of ZEN of ZBrush | Jesse Sandifer owner Green Grass Studios
Sorry not following you?
just a heads up, one of your pricing numbers appears to be off chap
Sorry, it just looks a little sketchy to me, being a quick mock-up template site with a price for a seat and raffle ticket.
Thanks for the heads up
We are just now starting up a small studio here in the ft worth / Keller area doing outsourcing for game, tv/film and medical animations needs. We are also publishing the ZEN of ZBrush this week in conjunction with the ZB4 release, and decided we would offer the opportunity to learn hands on with the Author of the book, that is why we have also enlisted the talents of Jesse Sandifer of Green Grass Studios to help I will be hiring a third instructor so that each student has the help they need should they get stuck on a particular area.
This is going to be an intense 8 hour hands on class. If you are willing to do without the Cintiq giveaways I can lower the price.
I am going through experience here. I hosted several CG Usergroups for FREE last year here in Dallas, and found that people will turn out for free software and prizes and the #1 thing they asked for were WACOM tablets, so I chose the high end Cintiq's to give away this time around.
Sorry you do not like the website which actually is not bad and saves over 6 months of hand coding. Of course over the next year it will end up being all .NET based but that takes time.
Have a nice day!
Good luck though
Never a bad thing to voice your opinion. I have done training classes where one 8 hour day cost $500 and that was just 1 instructor
Here we have 2 and am working on a 3rd.
If this were programming the UI for the Unreal Engine the price would be higher. It really just depends on what type of student you are.
Let's gauge this as if you were actually interested in training. A Gnomon Tutorial lasts about 1 hour at a cost of $52 give or take a few bucks. Most of the time you walk away with a few tips and tricks you may not have already known.
Multiply that out by 8 that comes to $416
or as you mentioned 40 hours so take the early registration of $250 divided by 40 and you get $6.25 that would not cover the instructors lunch much less meet federal minimum wage laws.
So not that this will convince anyone who was never interested into becoming interested but just breaking it down.
Hands on classroom learning is always better than DVD tutorials, not just for the ability to ask the instructor a question and get a real answer, but the networking aspect as well.
I really do appreciate your feedback. Have a great day!
Gnomon DVD's are often a lot longer than an hour and the kind of DVD's that offer you 'tips and tricks' are aimed at more advanced artists who want an insight into a professionals workflow.
Gnomon also has high calibre artists from companies of different industries we all know and love doing their DVD's, people from WETA, SCEA, Disney etc etc etc whereas you're comparing that to a course run by someone from 'Green Grass Studios'... no offence but I was like 'who the hell are Green Grass Studios' and had to Google them. Now they may or may not be a big deal in Texas, but they certainly aren't Sony.
Justifying your price shouldn't be something you need to do. IMO the quality of the course/instruction will justify the price if it's right.
Again, not always true. Buying a DVD or book means you have access to it for as long as you want, and can refer back to it whenever you need it. I strongly doubt that a beginner artist would take your 1 day course, come home and be able to bust out great characters.
I know this for a fact because I've done it myself. I've been to these '1-day courses' for my job which is in Arch-Viz and I can tell you for certain that I learned more, and came away with more skills from a month or so of DVD/Video training than I did from the day or 2 day course where it was great for a day, but then I'd forgotten most things a week later.
A subscription to a month or two of Digital Tutors, or a few Gnomon DVD's would almost guarantee they could do it.
Apologies for the harsh words but it just seems difficult to understand who you're trying to target here.
Beginners? I don't think they'd get enough out of a one day course for it to be worth it.
Advanced? I think they'd want game-specific training from recognized professionals.
Either way, offering a 'Cintiq raffle' to encourage ticket sales is a little lame if you ask me.
I am targeting Beginner to Intermediate artists. The price is what it is not justifying it, nor do I need to debate with the pros and cons. I just wanted to advertise this event, have a great day!
I appreciate your feedback.