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foliage/natural environment mini scene + bonus stuff

polycounter lvl 8
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snow polycounter lvl 8
Hi all,

Looking for crits on my small natural environment scene, not really happy with the final product. I'm considering displaying as a part of my portfolio just to show skills in this area, hence looking for crits on any of the assets, and how i can make the scene more interesting without going too overboard with it.

I think the base of it could do with a more interesting texture then just grass, but adding dirt doesn't seem to fit with the 'pretty' scene. I'm not a fan of my grass texture either, can't seem to find a good photo ref anywhere.

Thanks as always :).


PS. To avoid making another thread, any feedback on this stylized wood texture would be great. Thanks!



  • Sean VanGorder
    The first thing that jumped out to me was that your spec maps could use some work. It would help the scene pop a little more and the lighting wouldn't seem as flat. If you download the newest version of UDK and look through the spec maps they used in the GDC foliage demo, I'm sure you could gain some valuable insight.

    As for the boring grass floor texture, maybe blend in a texture that shows some leaves that have fallen to the ground? Moss would probably look nice too. CGTextures has plenty of resources for that.

    I won't even pretend to know what I'm doing as far as stylized handpainting textures, but the wood looks nice so far.
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks a lot Sean, I really didn't invest enough time in my specular map ( I guess I wasn't really sure how spec maps should look for foliage), and I'm glad you noticed it was bad - gives me a bit of a kick up the ass to make sure I research things.

    That's a great idea about leaves, how did i not think of that, I could even do them on planes, I guess I'll see how they look.

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Good start Snow.

    Heres an interesting thread from the technical forums about making trees.. http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72325

    I agree with Sean_EG about trying to add in some leaves and moss to the grass texture. The other thing I would suggest is making some basic roots for the trees. Right now they just look like poles planted in the ground.


    something similar to that ^

    Keep working :)
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    i love the rock and the lower plants, but i just couldn't help but smile on the fence model :D
    did you take a step back and watch that piece ? because the nails are not having any function at all - i mean they're visible on the planks but they don't go through the wooden pale. that was so distracting it totally had me focussed on nothing else but the fence :D
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Sean_EG wrote: »
    If you download the newest version of UDK and look through the spec maps they used in the GDC foliage demo, I'm sure you could gain some valuable insight.

    Funny that you mention it, because I have found only one spec map in total :poly124: . Spec in this map is usually done via materials and derived from diffuse or normal maps - I guess that's not the most recommended technique, though it can yield good results sometimes.

    But I do agree that specs need more work. At the moment, everything has the same specular values.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Funny that you mention it, because I have found only one spec map in total :poly124: . Spec in this map is usually done via materials and derived from diffuse or normal maps - I guess that's not the most recommended technique, though it can yield good results sometimes.

    But I do agree that specs need more work. At the moment, everything has the same specular values.

    Lol, really? I haven't actually looked at it in depth myself yet, though I have been meaning to. Now I'll definitely have to look at it.

    Damn you Epic, making my advice giving look foolish.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Sean_EG wrote: »
    Lol, really? I haven't actually looked at it in depth myself yet, though I have been meaning to. Now I'll definitely have to look at it.

    Damn you Epic, making my advice giving look foolish.

    I wouldn't call it foolish; it simply shows that we don't have to use spec maps all the time. All materials in GDC demo are rather complex; most of them utilizes vertex blending to add unique details. Due to that, it's simply cheaper to derive spec from the diffuse and Lerp that according to the way you painted the mesh.
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for your replies. I've worked on giving some real highlights and specularity, yes the bloom is overdone, couldn't resist going over the top, I'll tame it down however. :P

    I'm really dissapointed how UDK displays normal maps (ie there's meant to be a lot more detail on the fence). I guess I could adjust lighting so it's not so front on. I've also found planes, like the grass, don't seem to work well with specularity, so I've left them pretty plain. Also, not a huge fan of my grass (they're on a 256x128), but maybe thats because I've been staring at them for ages.

    I appreciate all your crits and would love to hear more, again I'd like to showcase this in my first portfolio.


  • sebas
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    sebas polycounter lvl 14
    snow wrote: »
    I'm really dissapointed how UDK displays normal maps (ie there's meant to be a lot more detail on the fence).

    Me too. Give this a try:

    Open 'Content Browser'.
    Access to 'Texture Poperties' by double-clicking on every texture map.
    Play with Mip Gen Settings, specially TMGS_NoMipmaps

    ... hope it helps!
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8

    try this. its a way of boosting the red and green channels while keeping your blue the same. UDK won't know what to do with a blue channel over "1" if that makes sense.
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12

    check that under the world properties so lightmass won't kill your normal maps.
    scene looks promising, but the trees require a lot more work compared to the rest.
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    Wow never heard of these normal map tips, thanks people.

    This is my first time modeling trees, so I'm not really sure how to improve them, I'll work on the trunk as brandoom mentioned, but if there's any other suggestions please tell!
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
    Bumping just for any last advice from people before I leave it be, still concerned about my treeeeees - don't want to have to chop them down!
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Part of what's so wrong with the trees is that the normals aren't unified. Did you read the thread that was linked to you in technical talk? It should clear up most of the issues in there, the canopies won't look right until you do that.


    DEFINITELY model some roots and details into your tree, look up some ref, most trees aren't 100% cylindrical, and even the ones that are, it's best to do a little something to them to make them read better in 3D and ground them to the scene, maybe even a little bit of light brownish vert color on the bottom.

    Another thing about your textures in general is they they're lacking contrast and color variation which helps to give them depth. Take a look at photos of grass, there are so many other colors in grass besides green, blues, yellows, browns, the same can be said of your wood texture. Your leaves are especially lacking in contrast and color varitation, get on CGtextures and have a look at some tree canopies, I suggest you grab some of the branch bits and leaf bits and build yourself a better canopy texture. You should also model in some 3d branches on the trunk to plug the canopy bits into.

    It's best not to make one large canopy piece and repeat it over and over in your tree, to break it up create some smaller branches and bits that can be used to soften your canopy planes, it really helps to combat the planar look.
    I think it would also be a good idea to give your trunk a richer, deeper bark to contrast with your fence with a nice defined normal map.

    Keep it up, polish that shit till it shines.
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