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Wreckage is looking for animators and 3D artists.


Team name:


Project name:

Project Wreckage

Brief Description:

You are Adam Brock, a rookie in the Earth's Galactic Military. You have been sent on a mission to discover the reason behind a distress call sent by a human colony on the planet of Novusera. You soon find that this planet is no longer a home to the human race, but a savage planet home to an unknown terror.

Discover a mystery of an ancient race of reptiles, awakening from a long hibernation cycle. Fight for your very life against these bone-chilling monsters as you make the choice that will decide the fate of both humanity and the reptilian race: do you choose to eliminate the native species or leave a planet that was never yours?

Follow Adam through several spine-tingling missions, wrapped in a deep, thoughtful plotline with twists and turns that will make your choice even more difficult as you find a way to stop the "Wreckage".

Target Aim:

We are aiming for the more hardcore and mature game players.


If we plan on selling the game you will get a fair cut of the profits. If we sell the game to a publisher you will get a fair cut from that.


We will be using the Unreal Development Kit for this project.

The 3D artists will be using 3ds max, zbrush, and photoshop for their models and the the animators will be using 3ds max to make rigs and animation cycles for the game models.

Talent Needed:

Wreckage is on the search for skilled 3D artists and animators.

3D Artist Requirements:

-Needs to be skilled in Zbrush and 3Ds Max.

-Needs to be at a somewhat professional skill level

-Gets along well with others

-Can pump work out in a few weeks times

-Skype account

-Must be very active

Animator Requirements:

-Needs to be skilled in 3Ds Max.

-Must be able to make complex rigs.

-Needs to be at a somewhat professional skill level

-Gets along well with others

-Can pump work out in a few weeks times

-Skype account

-Must be very active

Team Structure:

Bailey R. Wheatland-Project Leader

Samuel Moxham-Assistant

John-Advisor/Co-Game Designer

Jesse Humphry-Writer

Jonathan Dinerman-Co-Writer

Ben Sowers-Co-Wroter

Paul Wilkie-Sound Engineer

Tim Terrenal-Art Director

Arild Amland-Concept artist

Ellis Clark-Concept artist

Ryan Harrold-Concept artist

Sergio D. Martins-Sketch artist

Dustin-Website designer

Tiago Costa-Programmer

Team Number: 14


MSN: dudeman95@live.com

Skype: dudeman951

E-mail: bailey95@mchsi.com

Additional Information:

Here is some concept art the Wreckage team has already made.






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