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Unreal3 TOON Shader Network Creation?

Unreal3 TOON Shader Network Creation.
I want to creat a outline toon mat in u3 but the outline looks sad,how can I creat a better outline , thanks


  • MattLichy
    There is a tutorial for this on MOD Database, but It's a little confusing.

    I would appreciate it if someone could explain upon it a little more, or possibly do a quick vid tut :D
  • onrew
    yep.it's hard to build outline in UME only, can you give me a tutorial link or something, thanks
  • Ben Apuna
    When you say Unreal 3, you mean UDK right? Perhaps the [Postprocess] Outline and crush thread could be of use to you.
  • onrew
    Thanks that's waht I want:)
  • MattLichy
    Yeah, thank you for this, that works great :D
  • Oniram
  • beastenator
    Hourences has a material snippet for cell shading. Maybe it's useful

    It's down at the bottom
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    as i made the tutorial on moddb, what exactly is the part you don't understand - some of it would do different these days but basicly try to build each part alone and plug it into the custom lighting channel to see the result :)
  • Visceral
    Neox wrote: »
    as i made the tutorial on moddb, what exactly is the part you don't understand - some of it would do different these days but basicly try to build each part alone and plug it into the custom lighting channel to see the result :)

    Hey man i have been attempting your tutorial several times, but seriously its a bit messy and dated. Me and many others would love if you just gave it a quick update to clear some stuff out.

    For instance i had no idea what whas going into the Param2d in the ramp part. and the part where you connect everything up is really hard to follow.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    *changed some of the text, didn't want to sound offensiv or arrogant*

    what goes in the param2d in the ramp part should be more than obvious :O

    the ramp, the texture you use to change the shading, i added a sample picture above the arrow :)http://polyphobia.de/public/tutorials/TF2shading/003.jpg

    What exactly don't you understand there?
    It's a 1d Ramp - basicly a strip 1px height and Npx length (i took 256px) on the left is your darkest value on the right is your brightest value- so if you'd put in some harder steps you'll get harder steps in your shading as well.
    What TF2 did is create a ramp thats not linear from black to white, it has more lightvalues but never reaches full brightness, as the half lambert brightens things up anyways and it gets more saturated/reddish in between the mids and the shadows.

    also read the terms i've written on the top of each image, if it says ramp * half lambert it means you have to create a multiply node and multiply the result of the ramp part with the result of the half lambert part.
    So http://polyphobia.de/public/tutorials/TF2shading/012.jpg means that you take your albedo, create a multiplynode, plug the albedo in slot a and the result of ambient+ramp*halflambert into slot b

    its just simple math +,-,*,/ really just read it and not only try to look at what the images say :)
  • rasmus
    ... OR you could just make it easier for everybody to understand...
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i'm in lack of time to recreate the whole tutorial and gather the source files, i don't have them anymore.

    If its the math thats too hard to understand try http://www.khanacademy.org/ he is awesome and can teach math way better than any teacher i ever had, he can show you why you do things as opposed to brainbless repeat what the teacher tells you.
    the most complicated part in the term is the dot product part i guess, maybe this will help ypu to understand it http://www.khanacademy.org/video/vector-dot-product-and-vector-length if you think of it as the term on a per pixel level its somewhat understandable i think - if not you can always start earlier in his math tutorials :)
    knowing the math will definitely help you in the creation of shaders, because it is all math and in a lot of cases very simple math such as + and * and no i don't understand every node out there, in some cases i just know the result and use it, but thats experimentation, i can't take that away with a more complex tutorial, because the one moment where it goes click in your brain will be taken away and exchanged by "do this and that to get this and that" - if you want to go the even better road take the valve term http://www.valvesoftware.com/publications/2007/NPAR07_IllustrativeRenderingInTeamFortress2.pdf and try to understand it backwards engineer it as i did, maybe make the same mistakes or see where i did the mistakes, it will definitely take some time but imho its worth more than just copying a tutorial

    About the tutorial itself, i took some pictures while i was in the process of trying to understand valves term, i definitely made mistakes, especially in the specular and rimlight part. Moddb took them and made that tutorial out of it (i don't even think i can edit this page, as its not been created by me initially)- if you want to understand what i'm doing just read whats in the upper left part of each image, thats the name of the term, the image on the left shows the nodes that are needed to build the term, and the image on the right shows the result of the term applied to the heavy.

    I will see if i can add some text to make some parts more clear - but don't count on it too much
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    wish i had those math videos and the unreal material editor back when i was in school.
    makes understanding vector math really easy :|
    i agree with neox - it's all really simple math and once you got your head around it it's quite a bit of fun as well.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    I wish our highschool actually had vector math. We touched on it but nothing too deep which makes me sad though doing the FXPHD course and its awesome. Khanacademy is awesome too :) Also agree with Neox. Ever since I started learning shaders I would rather not have someone do it and tell me this is how you do it etc etc. Experimentation is the key part to learning the nodes that and looking at reference constantly (ie whitepapers, GPU Gems, google etc) Finding it fun now, was beaten to the punch by the stereoscopic one (might be able to find some time this weekend and try implementing the algorithm I found)

    Which reminds me, I need to look at that valve paper again...so I can around making this shader in HLSL.
  • Visceral
    Jesus christ....my brain hurts. Im no good at math i know addition, multiplication and a bit of geometry and algebra... but seriously this is just space science to me, i just like making models and textures :D

    What i was looking for in my first question was just a video on how you setup the material ;) not learning the theory behind it.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    stop thinking that it is too complicated!
    it is junior high level math, not the nodes themselves for sure, but the connections in that shader are all just addition and multiplication - if you just want to copy what is there, why do you need a video?
    just create all the nodes you see there and wire them as shown there

    the problem is, you will never understand whats going on (and why some parts of this super old and very first shader of mine are wrong), and if you made a tiny mistake the results can be very different and you will never know why.
    How easy should shader creation be? i mean i'm an artist myself, not very technical oriented (but interested), i'm pretty bad at math, at least i thought so until a friend of mine showed me khans academy and i learned to see some things i never understood because of brainless repetition. And even i can understand what most of the stuff in the nodes are doing, i cannot read code at all, its like a foreign european language to me, i understand stuff every now and then but it doesn't make sense to me. But nodes or visual shader creation is understandable to me because its visual and covers a lot of the logic inside nodes, you don't have to understand the insides of the nodes - even though it will help you a LOT but you at least have to understand how and why to connect them and this is in most cases - as said - math for braindeads

    if you don't want to work with that, grab yourself some master shader and live with it, use Material Instances to exchange textures per assets and tweak stuff - but then you are limited to what the master shader offers you
  • Visceral
    perfect thats all i needed :D ill stop complaining now ;)
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for that Khan Academy link Neox. Awesome stuff.
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