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[WIP] Side Scroller Western Game Project

polycounter lvl 9
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EpicEric polycounter lvl 9
Hi everyone !!

I've been visiting this forum for like 3 or 4 months just to apreciate everybody's work, but never posted a thread of my own, i think its time to start :)

Here's the thing: Im doing a course about game design, we do everithing since drawing till engine, and im almost finishing it. In our final work, we have to do.....guess what?!?!........A GAME !!!! (I bet you never thought it was it)

Thats my point in this thread, to post our (my team) wip about that game.

We did a DEMO to show in an anime and games event here in Brasil, called Anime Friends, the biggest event of this kind in Latin America, people played and enjoyed it.

Since this forum is full of great artists, ill be glad to hear your suggestions and stuff.

Here's some pics of the DEMO Version:




And this is our blog:
Its in portuguese, but it haves some pics and a video, and soon the download of the DEMO, feel free to comment it.

We did this DEMO version in just 5 days, so that's a lot of stuff wrong, like the HUD, sounds and loading screens, in the full version, we gonna change it all.

Well, enough of typing, i'll wait for ur thoughts
Tks, Eric
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