Hi all, interested in what any of you have to say about my portfolio.
Its geared toward level design primarily, though in the future I woudl like to get some enviro art in there (I just need to finish something!) I tried to make a profile on modcore but their captcha thing is borked and won't let me register.
Also, do you think this is suitable (alone with a resume listing a few mods I've worked on including a mod of the year project) to submit to a particular (read: Blizzard Entertainment) studio seeking a listed associate level designer (entry level) position?
Though I'm learning html/xhtml I don't have a lot of time to create a site from scratch so atleast for now I'm using wordpress. Though I have customized the css a bit.
Thanks guys!
**ps- I dont know how important this really is, do you think I should include more presonal info? Age etc?
I clicked on the link, and see walls of text left right and center, I find it quite hard to to read what it is you're really trying to put up there.
One suggestion though, the info/software skills and all that can just be put together in the info section, no need to overlap that across other sections.
As for age and less important stuff, I'd just leave that out.