Hey folks,
Just wanted to show this rock wall. I'm preparing a tutorial on how it's possible to tile mesh and zbrush rocks at the same time. Not a secret or big news, but might help some.
I hope you enjoy, tutorial is coming soon. And of course, c&c welcome.

Dose look great though
Sure thing Autocon!
Can't wait, thanks!
Yes, snowy and a bit wet, snow is the white on top of the rocks.
I will see what I can do. There's a lot of places you can figure how to sculpt rocks tho. Not sure if that's too useful here.
For the last shot, if you did a detailed spec on that you could get it to looking iced over in no time flat.
saved it to my tutorial folder
I'm in the middle of something, but as soon as I'm done I'll give this workflow a go.
Heh, thats good man, glad I could help!
Ummm... lol. Same here... grmmmm.... yeah... I guess...