so the problem, you have a guy running very fast, to emphasize this you have the whole body lean a little forward.
now you want the character to also have a pitchangle ( aim up / down) animation working at the same time so when looking at the character they are running/leaning a bit forward and can aim perfectly straight up or perfectly straight down.
what would be a good way to achieve this ? i noticed that the scout in tf2 seems to run like this but i dont have the game so i cant really analyze how valve did it.
im thinking you will have to counter rotate some of the spine so that the arms/head wont be doing all the work ( and probably ripping the mesh to shreds in the process) but if you counter rotate some of the spine it would look quite odd.
just wondering if anyone has run into this animation problem in games, and how they solved it. thanks.
If so its a case of trial by error im afraid, some middleware's react differently and others allow you to overide bones from one to the other nicely enough.
But yeah id generally try to go the opposite direction with your blend animations (leaning back in the aims to counter the forward lean of the run etc).
If there is no animation blending, may aswell draw up a table of anims youl need and brute force every possible outcome to'ing and fro'ing from one animation to the other... its doable.