I guess the namco version will look better but have worse gameplay. Yeah, I'm not too fond of the new sf4 art.
The video looks cool though with all the combined super moves and stuff.
Isn't this announcement stepping on the toes of the new Marvel vs Capcom game though?
Capcom sortof did the same thing with Marvel vs and SNK vs.
They look like they're built off different frameworks anyway, this one off SF4 and MVC off of... MVC, and tatsu vs. So hardcore fans won't see them as very redundant.
massive fan of street fighter so this is a must for me:) Always been a bit meh about Tekken though, ironically with all the people saying the namco one will look better, i've always thought Namco's art style and character designs were a bit lame when compared to street fighter, different stroke i guess. Another another note : I finally get a Ibuki/Cammy tag team
massive fan of street fighter so this is a must for me:) Always been a bit meh about Tekken though, ironically with all the people saying the namco one will look better, i've always thought Namco's art style and character designs were a bit lame when compared to street fighter, different stroke i guess. Another another note : I finally get a Ibuki/Cammy tag team
I do agree, I prefer the original design of the street fighter characters. It's the execution of sfIV I don't like however(animation, character models and more). The Tekken character models simply win by default so to say
I thought you could tag team in the new SFIV version? Ibuki and Cammy are both in it :S
Seriously I am really excited about this. I know they're in there, but just waiting to see footage of Law and Paul. That four player free for all looks like a lot of chaotic fun.
Capcoms history of releasing feature/character lacking games (SF4, MvC..) has made me very bitter about buying this. I am the Tekken fan, and own SSF4 for shits and giggles..
the xTekken and the hope that Namco has a finger in the development and publishing are the only two things that keeps a little light of hope left, that this won't take the same road as previous Capcom games...
inb4 Street Fighter x Tekken Ultimate Gold Fighter Edition, 5 months after this releases.
by lacking, I am really trying to say that they inflate features and rosters with a full release/dlc instead of just having it done from the get go. how many Tekken versions did we see? Tekken 6 Ultimate Shiznits Edition 2 ?...no, just one..thank you namco..
yeah, the arcade release had 2..but I'm not talking about that
Soooo, anyone else pick it up? Had nothing goin' on today, so went to the midnight release last night and have been playing it off and on since. Really love how they were able to work in a lot of Tekken gameplay into the SF formula. Definitely a much more hardcore fighting game, than say, MvC3. Played a bit online, but there's a bit of a lag at the moment, so might wait til they get that in order.
Yeh we are actually quite a few at Massive excited for this, we play Streetfighter nearly every lunch. This looks like a blast! However, not until friday here...
on the train to go pick it up now!
huge tekken player, not so much street fighter (too much hadooken turtling in that)
but hyped as shit.. been watching streams of it since the us release
saw a japanese guy stream yesterday, fun time chatting with him and the other japanese chatters about it
Edit: Gameplay video
The video looks cool though with all the combined super moves and stuff.
That looks sick!
Isn't this announcement stepping on the toes of the new Marvel vs Capcom game though?
Capcom sortof did the same thing with Marvel vs and SNK vs.
They look like they're built off different frameworks anyway, this one off SF4 and MVC off of... MVC, and tatsu vs. So hardcore fans won't see them as very redundant.
Tobal VS virtua fighter next, please
Im waiting for alex and then They can just take my money at that point.
Did anyone see the last vid with Rufus vs bob?
I do agree, I prefer the original design of the street fighter characters. It's the execution of sfIV I don't like however(animation, character models and more). The Tekken character models simply win by default so to say
I thought you could tag team in the new SFIV version? Ibuki and Cammy are both in it :S
Seriously I am really excited about this. I know they're in there, but just waiting to see footage of Law and Paul. That four player free for all looks like a lot of chaotic fun.
the xTekken and the hope that Namco has a finger in the development and publishing are the only two things that keeps a little light of hope left, that this won't take the same road as previous Capcom games...
inb4 Street Fighter x Tekken Ultimate Gold Fighter Edition, 5 months after this releases.
by lacking, I am really trying to say that they inflate features and rosters with a full release/dlc instead of just having it done from the get go. how many Tekken versions did we see? Tekken 6 Ultimate Shiznits Edition 2 ?...no, just one..thank you namco..
yeah, the arcade release had 2..but I'm not talking about that
huge tekken player, not so much street fighter (too much hadooken turtling in that)
but hyped as shit.. been watching streams of it since the us release
saw a japanese guy stream yesterday, fun time chatting with him and the other japanese chatters about it
cant wait to do some asuka trials soon!!