Hi well basically what the title says, I tried looking for it in the forum without chance, so yeah I want to use + and - commands in the keyboard to go up and down iterations in turbosmooth, like you do in XSI, also toggle turbosmooth on/off if possible but mostly the first feature, so if you know of a script that does this I'll appreciate you show it to me. Thanks.
to map space to toggle end result in the modifier stack, go to customize>customize user interface. under category drop down choose modifier stack, then map "Show End Result" to space bar.
They could be improved, but they should work fine so long as your not in the habbit of renaming your modifiers I think. They'll work on the highest turbosmooth modifier applied on the stack only, and can be used on multiple objects at the same time.
Also, this is really more of a tech-talk subject.
There is a function called "modifySubdivIters" which will do just this, via NURMS in editable poly. I like the functionality of this through nurms because it lets you do multiple objects at once and also doesn't go back up the stack if you isolate selection. Just find the toggle in the shotcutkey editor once you install it and you can assign it to + and - . You can also asign ctrl + and alt + to toggle cage and isoline too if you wanted more XSI functions as well.
Polyhertz, I am new to macroscripting can you tell me how to load it in max?
Create a new txt file and paste either one or both scripts into it and save. Then rename the txt file extension (actual file name doesn't matter) to .mcr and in max go to MaxScript>Run script and load the mcr file. Now they should show up in your customize hotkeys menu (customize>customize user interface) under catagory GregsScripts. Just assign whatever hotkeys you want press OK and you'll be set.
Alternativly, if you dont want to keep a file of them for the future, you can just copy/paste them into the script editor (f11), highlight them, and press shift+enter to install and then setting the hotkeys.
One other thing you might like to know is in customize>customize user interface, if you go under 'toolbars' intead of 'keyboard' tab you can drag/drop any hotkeyable command as a button onto maxs toolbar at the top.
I added this to the script above. now it will work with NURMs if no modifier is found.
I find it especially annoying that there isnt an option to use TS as part of the Epoly