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Newbie recent work

Hello all,

Newbie here. Going to school for my AS degree in digital media and just finished intro to 3D (using Maya). Loved the class. Maya was kinda hard to figure out but after using it for a semester, I feel very comfortable. I've tried using 3DS Max, Blender, Swift 3D and Cinema 4D but feel more comfortable using Maya. I've been playing around with Maya going to Lynda.com, Digital tutors and CGtuts.com. I'm hoping to leave my current job one day and become a 3d modeler of some sort. But anyways here is some of my work I've done in school and on my own. Feel free to critique but be gentle.









  • Vocari
    Hey Moosky, welcome to the Polycount boards. It's always nice to have new people discover us. At the moment it doesn't like you have included any screens of your work in your post. If you follow the insert image link when you make a post you can include links from websites such as Flikr, Photobucket and Imageshack.

    Hope to see some of your work soon,

  • Ack Master
    hey dude :) dont be afraid to crank the settings on your AO renders to get rid of the noise. My only suggestion i can give is go high. :) its REAL low.

    other then that welcome :)

    You still working on that bike? i love seeing jet bikes
  • moosky13
    Hey Ack Master,

    I'll try to figure out how to crank the settings on my AO render layer. I'm still kinda new. I'm trying next to do a wireframe render. I see alot of portfolios that show the wireframe render. Still working on the Jet Bike. I wanna try to put head lights on it like a Yamaha crotch rocket.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Its also good to note which ones you followed tutorials and which ones are original.
  • moosky13
    Hi ZacD,

    Good point. The only original is the poker scene. Although I did use a tutorial to create the coke bottle.
  • GoodAsNew
    one good approach to learn this stuff is everytime you follow a tutorial make some original work where you use all that info you learned. that way you will most likely memorize all the technics. Besides you'll get something into portfolio that way :).

    That rocket bike is from some Lynda tutorial? I recognize it from somewhere. It's made of nurbs right?
  • moosky13
    The pocket bike is from digital tutors. Most of it is made of nurbs. I'm reading a book that teaches you how to make game props. I'm learning how to do normal maps. Just started the 1st chapter last night. Making a high poly brick wall and then a low poly version using normal maps. Anybody have a tips?
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    putting some lights in that poker table scene wouldn't hurt there doesn't seem to be any shadows. also some texture work would go along way. maybe some felt on the table and some wood along the rim.
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