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Help w/ 3dS Max 2011 Tools

Hi, I'm new to these forums and also new to modeling. I hope this is the right section to post this and if not, I'm sorry. I've been using 3dS Max lately, trying to get into modeling and I'm having trouble with the tools. One of the tools constantly giving me trouble is connect with vertices. I have a screen shot of one section of my model where I was cleaning up some random vertices and such and was going to reconstruct the side. Then when I went to create the new edges by connecting vertices, the tool would constantly not work. Now I've read that there must not be anything inbetween the two/several vertices in order to connect them...well there isn't anything but space. I know they're aligned correctly and all. Can someone perhaps explain the exact order I need to go through steps to connect two vertices? Any help is appreciated.Oh and how do you post images? Thanks


  • SpeCter
    Offline / Send Message
    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    You have to upload you screenshot to something like imageshack copy the url to it and post it with the img button(it will open a window where you have to put in the link to the image and it generates the img tags for you)

    Now to your problem...
    Why don´t you just use the cut tool to make an edge between to vertices?I just use the connect tool on edges to be honest.
  • OMGod
    Oh, I didn't know I'd get the same effect if I did it that way. See, I'm honestly just relying on the tutorials I find on the internet and the ones I've seen have shown using the connect tool. Ok, I'll try that; if I get no success then I'll post the screen shot for further assistance. Thanks SpeCter.
  • Ghostscape
    Offline / Send Message
    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    you said there is nothing between them "but space"? Connect vertices only connects vertices that are part of the same polygon. If you are trying to make a new polygon by connecting two vertices, go into the polygon sub-object mode and use the create tool.
  • SpeCter
    Offline / Send Message
    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    That would be the case i thought he meant that there is a polygon, but no intersecting egdes.If there is no polygon connect doesn´t work thats right.that is also the case for the cut tool.So you either have to bridge it or select the open boarder(Border sub-selection mode) and hit Cap. Or Like Ghostscape said you can use the create tool.
  • OMGod
    It was all the same polygon and I got some success after trying a different technique than I was before. Thanks for all the help.
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