**UPDATE - 7/17/10**
Okay so after another day of working on it, I think I have it to a reasonable size, which allows the viewer to see plenty of art without having to scroll at all. I want to hear everyones feedback on the new design, and if it works well with your browser/resolution combo (a side note of the browser your viewing it in, and your resolution size would be a great help)
Again, thanks for taking the time to check out the site
Well it's about time I came out from behind the cover of the community and started getting everyones feedback. I am in the middle of designing and getting my portfolio up and running, but I am worried about how the site looks on most other monitors.
Here's the site in question (keep in mind its under construction so nothing is actually functioning)
So my question is regarding the layout, what do you think about the size of the header? The size of the preview boxes? Is everything visible (enough) on even the lower resolutions?
I'm designing the site in a 1024x768 photoshop window but the more I look at it, the more I think it may not provide enough initial viewing room for the visitor. On my end it looks fine, but I'm using 1920x1200 resolution which I not everyone uses lol.
Any critique regarding the layout sizes and any additional information I left out, or need to take out would be such a great help for me. The actual content is an entirely different story lol.
Thanks again and I appreciate your time
Good luck man.
I have made a few adjustments, along with including a splash of color. Let me know what you all think.