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polycounter lvl 12
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mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
Been working on these fellas a bit for one of my Uni assignments.
High Poly:

Low Poly with textures (in Cryengine 2, just default crysis levels at the moment):
From Left to right there is:
- White Dalek with blue "bumps" as seen in the earlier Dr Who Episodes
- Dark Grey with red paint markings on head dome as seen in the 2005 series reboot concept art
- One of Davros's Imperal Daleks from "Revelation of the Daleks"
- Dark Grey generic Dalek warrior, kinda a combination of a few different types.
- Gold Dalek from "Day of The Daleks" and "Frontier in Space"
- Red made up colour scheme, kinda a combination of the modern series Supreme Dalek and the red ones in the movies from the 60's.

My model itself is designed to be a combination of the "old series" Pre-Time War Daleks and the 2005 reboot's designs.

I still have a bit of work to do, as I want to rebake the model, and also add a bit of detail to the underside.


  • DerDude
    Offline / Send Message
    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Bit of an update:
    Fixed up the smoothing groups, so now the normal maps actually work properly on the "skirt", and had a play around with the colour schemes a bit. Which looks best?

  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm... Quite different to what it looks like in the show. I would say the best one to follow would be the Tennant era (Obviously not the fugly iDaleks). I would go with something like 5, something to the style of Davros, but the panel detailing and head are wrong, as well as a few other details. What reference did you use? They look unlike any Daleks I've seen, detailing wise...?
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    odium wrote: »
    Hmm... Quite different to what it looks like in the show. I would say the best one to follow would be the Tennant era (Obviously not the fugly iDaleks). I would go with something like 5, something to the style of Davros, but the panel detailing and head are wrong, as well as a few other details. What reference did you use? They look unlike any Daleks I've seen, detailing wise...?

    They are based on the Tom Baker era Daleks, except with a few modifications in places (the "chest" area is more similar to the 2005 series ones).

    References were taken from the Dr. Who Technical Manual (a very handy resource for early Dr. Who stuff, It's uploaded on scribd somewhere from memory), the web and a couple of old episodes (Genesis of the Daleks in particular). The colour schemes are a combination of the colour schemes shown in the old show and some are also from the oncept art for the 2005 series reboot.

    Number 5's colour scheme is based on the Dalek Supreme from early episodes and the concept art for the 2005 series.
  • Tea Monster
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    Tea Monster polycounter lvl 15
    I have a soft spot for 4 as I am a bit of a Troughton fan, but 1, 5 & 8 look the best.
    1 could be the Dalek Supreme, 5 is a leader of some sort and 8 could be your standard minion Dalek.
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