I was told to come here and ask this question in my time of need. I am currently out of luck finding a school. I Finished the program at my local community college on computer animation and design. I took the tour and took an interview at a school in chicago called Flashpoint. But due to my well fear of botching it... i botched it. I was just told i cant reapply till september 2011 and i don't think i can do that. I saw a school in flordia called full sail and it was kinda sad. So i come here to you true masters of this field and ask, What are the schools out there that teach computer modeling and such?
Little(stupid) back story. I was a shit student in high school. Kicked out freshman year semester one. Booted from military academy. From there it was the last stop school to work my way back to my home high school. made it back junior year the last 2 semesters and had 2 classes being taxied from the shit school to my home high school. art and cad. Cad opened my eyes to the world of creating. the endless hours i spent there saved my life and found me something i really love to do.