Hi all, while working on a new scene (first time i'm really focusing on outdoors) i've hit a snag in terms of sky and clouds. Now i got the sky part of my problem solved, i'm still having trouble making clouds look believable. At first i was thinking of just making a smaller semi sphere and slap on a repeating cloud alpha on it and put it in front of my skydome, but that didn't come out looking right. Next i tried using emitters, but i don't know if that's what artists in an actual development studio does it. Can anyone give me a heads up on how to go about doing clouds that can make a smooth transition to a general game engine?
Thanks in advance
in games they are made in alot of different ways maybe an example of what you want to acheive would help
what i want to achieve is just viewing them from a distance and having them move around in the sky, nothing too fancy really.
to give a clear picture, i just want a sky that's mostly clear with sparse clouds floating around. I hope this is clear enough, and also thanks for the quick responses!
you can download the udk and mess with the ut3 maps that come with it for a better idea.
only other engine i messed with was q3 >_>
wasted performance imho if you want them that way you can always just layer them in shader way cheaper than using a huge ass softalpha sphere in front of the background sphere. I'd only do that if i want to have realtime cloudshadows for example otherwise there is no gain from using more than one mesh with a shader for the sky.
here is a single mesh solution I had done for bachelor thesis several years ago (actually ran with texture combiners on fixed pipe)
one mesh with "height UVS", for the sky color gradient, cloud UVs, and automatic UVs in the vertex-stage for the sun billboard projection. It was a clever mix of the various inputs and allowed real-time changes of time-of day..
and everything fit in one pass for a geforce3 hehe
in the lastshot the sun billboard texture leaked...
but as he is talking about unreal and maya (dunno if you can hack into shadow stuff in maya) you cannot just tell a texture to cast a shadow without havint the object cast a shadow and in that case you would need to split the clouds from the sky as you don't want the sky background gradient to cast the shadow as well
I know that there are several better solutions, but this would be by far the easiest.
I'm not really sure what you mean about "layer them in shader" can you elaborate? does it have something to do with the layered shader?
but it is just a matter of implementing it in the material...although a second sky dome with panning clouds could work it may be better to do it in the same sky material Neox siad...it could cost more performance wise (a second model with a second material when one model and one material could do the same)
*my bad again DM-Deck has a sky dome with moving clouds http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9033730/udksky.avi, here are the location/packages in the udk
material - UN_Sky.SM.Materials.M_UN_Sky_SM_Invasion2
StaticMesh - UN_Sky.SM.Mesh.S_UN_Sky_SM_Dome01
the only reason i could think to make the clouds separately is for a flying sim or where the player/camera would need to pass thru them
as for maya i have no idea
In UDK you could use a texture applied to your dominant directional light as a light function mask to simulate the shadows. I think they actually have an example of this in one of the maps that come with the UDK but I can't remember which one it is.
As Neox said you shouldn't use a separate alpha object because it'll kill your framerate.
but the light function in a modulated texture projected from the light, i don't think there is a way to combine this with a sky texture that is actually mapped onto real geometry like a hemisphere.
Also about the sky and alpha, tested it for airborn, no framerate drop so far.
You would do it using two different materials. One for the dome, and another, for the light. If you wanted to force the two materials to synch up you could control both of the materials pan rates via matinee.
The framerate drop would depend on how many other alpha materials you have in the rest of the environment. I don't know how many other translucent objects you're testing this with but it's still less efficient than having no translucency in the sky. You just might not notice it in an environment without a lot of other translucency.