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UDK - Amegakure (Hidden Rain Village)

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cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
So in an effort to fully disclose how big a nerd I am my newest environment project is going to be the Hidden Rain Village from the manga/anime Naruto. No matter how many other environments I thought of doing this one kept creeping back into mind, so Im gonna give it a try.

Gonna be going directly off this concept by Masashi Kishimoto:

Though the concept is from an anime Im going for a more realistic style, but that wont show until later updates. For now heres my speedy blockout of the scene. Gonna be doing street level props as well so I can do some shots from the ground gazing up at the towering structures.

Now onto making base modular pieces.


  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    Oh man i was gonna do this environment aswell in the future. NARUTO FTW!

    It's looking really good for a start, can't wait to see more!
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    I love the concept. Can't wait to see where you take this. I hope you try to re-cerate the atmospheric perspective in that concept. Would be really neat to see the black silloughts of those builds in the background. Would give the entire piece a real busy feel without losing readability.
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    jocose wrote: »
    I love the concept. Can't wait to see where you take this. I hope you try to re-cerate the atmospheric perspective in that concept. Would be really neat to see the black silloughts of those builds in the background. Would give the entire piece a real busy feel without losing readability.

    Yeah he could easily replicate that with the same meshes or make low res versions since it's just pure black and in the distance which DoF will naturally take over.

    It's exciting :O mainly cause i love Naruto!
  • cdb-art
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    cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
    @RoosterMap - Thanks very much :D
    @MrBear- Ya I've always loved the design of this place, so it was an easy choice
    @Jocose&MrBear- Yup I intend to do the distant silhouettes, but those may not show up until later updates

    Quick update on where its at, still have to add a few things to the middle building but its getting there. Also ignore the face on the left, tried something out and found out it didn't look like I wanted it to, so that will be redone.

    Updates should come more rapidly as more and more modular pieces are completed, allowing me to quickly create more buildings.

    Lemme know what you think, thanks all :D

    Oh, and if anyone knows how I could change the FOV in unreal to more closely match the concept that would be greatly appreciated.
  • CharlieD
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    CharlieD polycounter lvl 11
    Really liking this so far. The finished building looks cool.
  • glenatron
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    glenatron polycounter lvl 11
    For the viewport, change the 'FOVAngle' value in BaseEngine.ini. It should be in
    C:\UDK\UDK-(version number)\Engine\Config

    For in the engine itself, just TAB, then type in 'fov *angle*'.

    And the light casting on the top of the building looks very sexy. Looking forward to seeing this done.
  • cdb-art
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    cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
    @CharlieD - Thanks man
    @Glenatron - Thanks for the tip, any chance you also know how to do a fish eye effect in unreal?

    Quick update, just a screencap straight out of of unreal
  • G3L
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    G3L polycounter lvl 9
    oh man!! i always wanted to do this in 3D but always wanted to do other concepts on the same "want to do in 3d" level, lol but you beat me to it. great start! definitely gonna watch this one :)

    hand-painted textures im assuming?
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    The city has a nice silhouette, lots of pipes and tubes are always welcome. Should be cool to see evolve. Maybe some shots of the peices making up the buildings, modular stuff?
  • Traix
    This is awesome! Can't wait to see how this will look when it is ready =)
  • glenatron
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    glenatron polycounter lvl 11
    I think the fisheye effect comes from a ridiculously high fov, somewhere around 180.
    I dont know really, theres probably some way you can distort a camera view in kismet, but I'd presume you might need coding to distort the player view/viewport.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    omg i'm huge naruto fan and this looks awesome already can't wait to see it finished
  • 55joe
  • cdb-art
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    cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
    @G3L - Ya there's alot of cool designs for this place, but this one was by far my favorite. The textures are a combination of hand painted and photo reference, combined with AO bakes from high poly models.
    @c0ldhands - Ya I can throw up some images of some of the pieces when its all finished, just lots of pipe segments,walls, and boards.
    @glenatron - Thanks for the help, I got it to work but with the distance shot it makes everything to small, has a cool effect from ground level though, causes the buildings to stretch upwards, thanks again.
    @55joe & illusive - Thanks :D

    Okay this is probably gonna be my last update before I post my finals. All thats left are foreground elements, wires n' stuff, and some ground level props. Lemme know what you think, thanks guys.

    Oh, lastly does anyone know why when I use the "tiledshot" command the sceneCapture node im using to do the waters reflection stops working? I've narrowed it down to having something to do with the ScreenPos node in the waters material but im stuck from there. Really wanna figure this out so I can do some screens with the fake AA that comes with scaling down a hi res screenshot. Thanks again.
  • Mitz
    WOW that's amazing dude! I can't wait to see the finished product :D If i remember correctly about this village, it's that it never stops raining (confirmation?) if so, you thinking about maybe putting some rain into that environment to give it a bit more oomph to it?
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i would look closer to the concept , like darkening even intentionally background buildings , and clearer separation between wall and roof , right now appart from the sky it seems like 1 color only wich dulls out a great scene you built here. so yeah its a wip , dont forget to add the lights that give visual pop as in the concept.

    ware wa pein....kami da.

    EDIT : regarding rain commentary , yeah it rains , but not always , and adding rain to this would only result on it beein noisy.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    This is cool. The foreground feels fairly undetailed, especially comparing the strong DOF. Needs sharper textures (this may be a specs things, dunno). Also, the lighting is very static and global... not compositional at all. This is also largely due to the uniform texturing. Notice how the concept draws ur attention color/value wise. There's also a more spacious feel behind the city, ur horizon kinda gets lost there.
  • Bishop
    The mouth creeps me out to no end, but that's some great work. You will be modeling Pein right?
  • cdb-art
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    cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
    @Mitz - Ya I tried adding a rain effect and like Johny said it made it very busy and hard to read, so I had to scrap it :(
    @Johny - THESE are the types of comments I love! I agree the lighting was just plain dull, so I scrapped it and had a second go at it, lemme know if its more appealing, and thanks a ton for the crit!
    @shotgun - HUGE thanks to you as well for the crit, your right the lighting was just lazy on my part, was just one directional light and a couple accent lights, so I redid it. I tried to light it a bit closer to the concept, and I also adjusted the horizon line as you suggested. Texture res is pretty low, gotta get it into my head that its ok to use textures larger than 512's for most things.

    Here is a WIP of the new lighting, lemme know if this is going in the right direction, thanks all.
  • xk0be
    The first thing I look at is the tallest building and it's really cool, great job on that. The second thing I look at though is the the side rock thing, and the one in the concept is just infinitely more interesting to look at in my opinion. That part may very well be wip but just the whole amount of pipes and especially lower rock part is so much more interesting. It's protruding more and really the whole angle of it is different, in the original post it feels like a part of the environment and a focal point but in yours it just feels like a thing. Everything else looks really cool imo.

    Also I gotta say, it's pretty amazing how fast you're doing this. I'm a slowpoke and all but you are probably burning your keyboard at this rate.. Keep it up!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i think compared to your reference, it looks way to blurry, get rid of all the ugly dof and bloom crap and try to get the sharpness the original has, i think you're loosing a lot with all this blurryness going on :X
  • amotaf
    I agree with Neox but rather than remove the DOF You could still use the Depth of field but just make it subtle, being subtle is the key I think with these type of pieces.

    But saying that it looks fantastic I dunno though when I look at the gestalt of the concept Kishimoto really went to town on it. There's alot going on in it, this might just be me but I'm not getting the same feel/impression from the 3d interpretation, it's not something I can fully articulate but a feeling in my gut.

    Maybe it's the sky/horizon that's throwing me off or the little birds that are flying through the sky I dunno. But saying all that it looks great.

    *edit*- I think I know now why I wasn't getting the same feel or impressions there are details in the concept that you've omitted from your version like the huge lights near the tongue that is generating alot of light and a few other bits and pieces.
  • rumblesushi
    Excellent work but I agree with Neox. It seems like it should more capture the source's crisp, illustrated look, and ditch the DOF filters.
  • cdb-art
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    cdb-art polycounter lvl 10
    @xKobe - I added some things to the face and lit it more appropriately for its surroundings, lemme know if it looks better. Thanks :D
    @Neox - Almost got rid of the DOF completely, its only slightly on the back silhouettes, thanks very much for the crit
    @amotaf - Got the light in there finally, hopefully it looks a bit more interesting now, thanks
    @rumbesushi - they are ditched :D

    IMPORTANT: If anyone knows why taking a Tiledshot causes my water reflection to stop working please lemme know. I have looked everywhere with no luck, and Id really like to be able to add some fake AA to this shot as the jaggedness is pretty apparent. Thanks.

    Okay so yesterday was my self imposed deadline so Im calling this baby done after tonight, so if anyone has any crits lemme know so I can make any changes that may be necessary, thanks guys.

  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    really nioe ! you captured the concept look ! all left is some birds in the background and mayhe a slight fish eye lense effect like in the concept , great job !

    as a personal preference id make the roofs even more orange or in a way you can distinguish them easier from the remaining building texture.

    this looks great !
  • EMC3D
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    EMC3D polycounter lvl 14
    cdb-art wrote: »
    @xKobe - I added some things to the face and lit it more appropriately for its surroundings, lemme know if it looks better. Thanks :D
    @Neox - Almost got rid of the DOF completely, its only slightly on the back silhouettes, thanks very much for the crit
    @amotaf - Got the light in there finally, hopefully it looks a bit more interesting now, thanks
    @rumbesushi - they are ditched :D

    IMPORTANT: If anyone knows why taking a Tiledshot causes my water reflection to stop working please lemme know. I have looked everywhere with no luck, and Id really like to be able to add some fake AA to this shot as the jaggedness is pretty apparent. Thanks.

    Okay so yesterday was my self imposed deadline so Im calling this baby done after tonight, so if anyone has any crits lemme know so I can make any changes that may be necessary, thanks guys.


    About the water issue. I know that when you do a tiledshot it kills off processing effects such as bloom, so it might have something to do with that. But i'm unsure, great looking scene though.
  • JordanFrayne
  • MephistonX
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    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    thats frikin awesome !
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 15
    this is really awesome!

    and you seem to have made it all so quickly?!

    well done man!
  • Bishop
    Well done, man. That's really coming close to the actual picture.
  • Papa_Austin
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    Papa_Austin polycounter lvl 10
    in regards to the tiledshot thing, maybe this will help


    anyway I have run into the same problem and this helped out for some of them
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