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Zbrush Mesh Partial Subdivision?

Mods, Sorry if this occurs as a double post. i got a blank page when i originally posted:

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on a tutorial that requires I partially subdivide a mesh.
The original tutorial was written for MudBox but i am applying everything or as much as i can to Zbrush.

This is my problem - currently in the tutorial, the instructor masks or selects certain faces on the model, in mudbox then subdivides only the faces in the selection!
He says this keeps poly count manageable and keeps the extra details in only the areas you want it.
I am attempting this same thing in Zbrush, i ctrl+Click to mask off areas on the model that i want subdivided, which gets painted a dark colour, then i ctrl+click in my viewport to invert that selection. Now everything on the model is painted a dark colour except for my selected areas. When i press "DIVIDE" or ctrl+D, i get a message saying "model must be at lowest subdivision level or delete subdivision history". I hit shift D to drop down to the lowest division level, then ctrl+d, to divide the model and my selection disapepars and the entire model get's subdivided. can anyone help?
Deleting the subdivison history is not an option becuase i am still working on the model and would like to jump up and down sub-d leves for for exports, and normals maps etc.

Thanks in Advance,


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