Hi there im making the web page and soon iwill post it by now i will post only some work i have done please contact me at
the black character is not yet finish but it will be soon , i will post my web page in a week more or so.( i can make a very good low poly at 2500 polys no triangles very clean work , so you can use it too in your 3d aplication for extra animation).

anyway, maybe you can post some wireframes along with the texture map used.
so some of you're texture work, baked maps and so...
I keep wondering what is the polycount of your posted meshed...can you tell me?!
btw, you said low poly at 2500 no tris, but in the end the mesh will have 5000 tris, right?!
can't wai for you're website
Thanks soon my webpage will be displayed im working on it i will have like 4 characters there by the time , sorry the watremarks but that was the images i had stored , so i will show all in a time.
thanks for your reply.
anyway, I have this questions though : when you say polys you refer to quads or tris?
so i liek to manage for clients and for myself 4500/5000 or 2500/3000 quads.
i will post the tribal with eyes in few minutes put some cloh in the neck because he is in the desert and needs someting to cover his nose from storms so i will post soon:)
Few things that are missing:
Spear , Shield , ear ring and something like masai thing but created by myself , the scraf is by a meaning he is in the desert , i wnat to p do a vue scene and put my character under a tree , i think that render will go a whole day but is worth it. i forgot i have to put meaby the teeth , and some wrsit , and rigg it and final pose and various takes i think in 2 weeks i will get it.
This character looks well looking wiht the head down like i first doing in zbrush , so it gives him more actitude , but in this renders i havent do that only in this just a little to see how it will look more or less , so finally the eyes i have got a blue brown style eye that i really like.
this render is little 600 by 800 with a more resolution mo detail i will get but wanted to take a small one.
remember im available for freelance contact me at smiljan66@yahoo.es
well i dont wnat to make this a wip so i see you again in the final shoot
meanwhile i have some other things to do but i have time for everyone that needs my services