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Max 2011 questions

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
Just getting around to giving Max 2011 a shot, and got a few questions:

1. Is their a way to dissable the new type of option boxes for poly modeling tools and use the old style ones instead? Their was a thread a while ago on the subject but I dont think anyone had found a solution yet.

2. For viewport canvas Is their a way to use stencils or projection paint with Photoshop?

3. Can you dock material windows? As far as I can tell only a select few windows have docking capability.

4. Almost no ribbon-exclusive tools seem to correctly or at all work with the repeat (;) function. Is their any solutions for this?


  • Piflik
    Offline / Send Message
    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    1.: No, you can disable them from opening near the Mesh and moving with it via MaxScript.
    grip.centeronselected = grip.show = true
    grip.centeronselected = grip.show = false

    3.: I think you can dock the Slate (Node-based Editor), but the old style Mat Editor is undockable...

    No Idea on the others, though...
  • Michael Knubben
    Piflik: Oh, thanks! Going to try that immediately. I wasn't against the new option boxes when I saw them in images, but the fact that they move with the model in entirely illogical ways is just a pain.
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