Been searching but can't seem to find out.
Can you have multiple uvw sets on a static mesh?
How I am trying to use it: Putting snow on a tree, around the base and on the tops of branches
In max I have it set up as a composite material and would like to mimic the effects in UDK.
I have a tile-able bark material that's used on the the tree trunk and branches set up in my uvw 1 channel.
I have another material that is snow patches on the uvw 2 channel.
can it be done? and if so how

any links,pointers ect greatly appreciated.
Under Max, I think you have to make sub-materials, but I'm not sure (I use XSI, not max).
My problem is with using multiple uvw layouts not uvs. It gets a little confusing cause it seems that UDK calls materials uv.
I'm trying to get a staticmesh to use a tileable texture on uvw set 1 and then a specific detail texture on uvw set 2.
Thanks for the reply though
in the material editor you can use a texture coordinate node and change its coordinate index to access the different UV channels.
coordinate index 0 = basic UVs, in your case the bark and called uv channel 1 in max
coordinate index 1 = lightmap UVs, unwrap everything uniquely with enough padding, called uv channel 2 in max
coordinate index 2 = put your snow UVs in there, called uv channel 3 in max.
not sure if that made anything more clear, but yeah.
In Max you could add multiple ones with a Unrwap UVW modifier, but I am not sure how to do this in Maya. Thanks!
back to the material set up for those who are having the same issue.
to get them to show up on your staticmesh you will also need to combine the two materials with an Add node. (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong)
I'll post my material set up once its complete for review
I've gotten the snow to show up,awesome. Looks like I know enough to blend 2 materials.
I am currently tying to add another detail which I have mapped to my uvw 4 channel in max, which means channel 3 in UDK, ok i get that. And blending 2 materials is simple enough using a Add node, but what about adding a 3rd?
EDIT: ok my bad, it looks like I do have it set up right... I think
Here is my mess so far.
Once I get my material set up I'll post my map set up.
The tree is also in a snow scene so I wanted to add a little snow on top of the branches and along the base of the trunk and that's where the 3rd uvw set came in.
Heres a max render to show ya what I'm doing. might make more sense that way. UDK materials are new to me is there a better way? on a side note I'm pretty sure we've met in RL, I was over on Forza 2 for 6 months. I'll send ya a PM or sumpthin
Divi: yup
could make a master material from that and paint some snow on everything you want.