I want to use Mudbox's feature of exporting the screen to Photoshop so that I can get rid of some seams on a character model, but I don't know how to get the model and its skin into mudbox. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on how to do that? Thanks.
(I have the skinned model open in Cinema 4D, but don't know how to export it in a way that MB can open it with the skin)
nevermind, I just needed to export it as a different filetype
A quick note about terms:
Skin normally refers to the mesh that is bound to a skeleton. "Skinning" is the act of weighting the verts to the various bones. This comes from 3dsmax and Maya using modifiers called Skin to preform this operation. Basically stretching the mesh skin over the bones.
Sometimes game sites refer to textures (including this one way back in the day) and materials incorrectly as skins, when they are more like tattoos or body paint.