Hey Polycount,
My girlfriend is looking to purchase a new laptop for schooling, now me myself I know some, but not enough when purchasing computers(technical specs etc.) So basically I was wondering what spec should she be looking for when buying a laptop here is the conditions etc.
-NO more then 1000$
-She wants Windows 7 (IF she gets a PC)
-She will be using the computer for homework(documents etc), music, youtube, maybe watching a few movies etc, so she definitely will not need a heavy performing computer (reflects price)
-She does enjoy shiny things very much of course.
-She originally wanted a macbook, but she wants to get a good deal for her money so she is not opposed to getting a PC
And thats about it.
(sorry for the hastily jotted down thread in advance)
Thanks PolyCount

Best Buy
Screw getting a Mac. You can go to a Best Buy and get just about any laptop in the store for less than $1000.
Personally, I've been looking at something from this list: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olstemplatemapper.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q70726f63657373696e6774696d653a3e313930302d30312d3031~~cabcat0500000%23%230%23%2311a~~cabcat0502000%23%230%23%23o~~f865||57696e646f7773~~f551||496e74656c26233137343b~~f546||496e74656c26233137343b20436f726526233135333b206933~~nf687||426c752d726179&list=y&nrp=15&sc=abComputerSP&ks=960&usc=abcat0500000&sp=%2Bcurrentprice+skuid&list=y&iht=n&st=processingtime%3A%3E1900-01-01 (hope the link works)
I like the Intel i3 processors (i7 if you want more power). I'm also targeting blu-ray (readable) drives, so I can watch blu-rays on the go, or rip them for my iPod. Either way, any laptop should be more than powerful enough to cover her needs. I'd just focus on the Intel i series processors because of their multimedia options.
The only brand that I'd avoid (based on online complaints), would be Toshiba. HP has crappy customer service, but I've found their computers to be pretty solid. My wife's Gateway is pretty solid too, and the customer support was good too, but they were purchased by Acer, so I don't know how that may have effected other things.
I understood what you meant
haha, i've mostly always used dell (except for a few hps... and a mac) and they always seem to be really tough like you said, but i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate there tech support with a passion.
I bought a 13" MacBook Pro last year and after daily use for 15 or so months I can safely say it is by far the best laptop I've ever owned. Build quality on the 'Unibody' aluminium ones is incredible, OS X is a rock solid operating system for anything you need to do which doesn't require Windows...and Win7 64 runs perfect if you need it.
And just to clarify, I'm not an Apple fanboy, I use a desktop PC and would probably not recommend their desktops, but the MacBooks, if you don't mind paying out that bit extra (which admittedly is a bit of an 'Apple tax' then they're worth every penny.
Edit: I forgot to mention the size, i know she would really prefer the larger screens on a laptop (17 vs a 13)
My HP has been damn near rock solid for the last 5 years. The only thing that hasn't lasted, was the battery, which is partially my fault for leaving it plugged in all the time. Oh, and in the last couple months, the touchpad has gotten 'iffy', though still usable. My wife has had her laptop for several years now, and it still works beautifully. I really fail to see why paying extra for a Mac really pays off
Update (cross post): I would recommend NOT getting the 17" laptop, unless she plans to use it on a desktop most of the time. My HP is a 17" laptop, and it gets awkward to use on your lap at times, not to mention it's MUCH heavier and is harder to find laptop bags for. You can get smaller laptops with the full keyboard these days (which is a big deal for me).
I have told her this one, I myself have been using my laptop as a desktop and it is a 17" (my actual desktop recently has deceased), and it seems like she really does enjoy the bigger screen but would maybe settle for something like a 15", (she has been using a 17" laptop she is using now until she gets a new one.)
But what stats/specs should she be looking for in a laptop considering she only wants to spend 1000$ MAX, wants win7, wants the comp to be decently nice on the outside (girl thing i suppose), and will only be using it for papers (MSDoc Etc), facebook/internet, youtube, music, and some movies.
Oh for sure, I totally agree. Apple's are MASSIVELY overpriced, I know that but it just comes down to the simple fact it's nothing but a luxury to go for the MacBook over a Windows based laptop.
You could argue the same about cars... a VW Golf will get me from A to B, do 130mph for £15k, whereas there are BMW's that'll do the same for £25k etc, both German, both built well, but you pay the extra for the luxury.
But in the OP it said the girlfriend likes 'shiny things' and you don't get much 'shinier' than a Mac.
Of course if you literally just want the best bang for your buck then most definitely don't go for a Mac.
Also, I'll second the comments about 17". They are a little too big too be portable from my experience, 15 seems to be a good compromise on the portability vs screen real estate.
Oh she definitely does enjoy shiny things (which is why i become more and more broke hahaha), but she would much rather have a bang for your buck computer and i'm sure there are some nice pc's out there (that bamboo one may intrigue her)
Also, I've noticed several 16" laptops lately, and for some reason, that 1" seems to make the laptop more manageable than the 17".
Yeah, but I wouldn't buy the BMW and then put a Golf's engine into it