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Physics setup for driving games

For some of the veterans of the industry here, what would be the physics setup for the cars of some of the old school racing games like RR1 and Sega Rally?

On RR, obviously the handling is very stylised, and the collisions are ULTRA basic (obviously not really supposed to be advanced/realistic collision wise) - but I'm thinking the cars in RR surely have at least 2 particles front and back and 1 constrain if only to orient to the track correctly.

I'm not sure how I should approach it for my driving game. Handling wise, 2 particles and 1 constraint would be enough.

But for better physics/collision detection, I could use a particle per wheel, with constraints strapped between them. Which would use more juice though, 4 collision routines per car instead of 2, plus 6 constraints.

And how about something like Burnout 3 on the PS2? How would the cars be setup in that? I love the physics in that game, excellent looking, convincing pileups etc with loads of cars, it's incredible that it's running on the PS2.



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