So there's this big old forum here not really being used for much... So I figured why not repeat the competition process but this time with... NO REWARD WHATSOEVER! Also no deadline so it will take ten times as long. Not to mention the fact that I have a life I would like to live.
The concept for this one is the Medic as a Vampire Hunter. Items off the top of my head:
Wide brimmed hat
Reskin of medic with his coat in black leather
Mallet and Stake for close combat.
Stake launcher replacing needle gun
Medigun reskin
Vampire hunting back pack
I figure with the no deadline thing I might start work in maybe a week or two
What's so disgraceful and foolish about continuing making packs for entertainment?
Woah! Whats with all the hostility? I took part in the contest and put in a lot of work... Am I being a disgrace to myself? If so please explain why.
I enjoyed the format and don't see why we shouldn't continue this method of making on this forum. If a mod would like me to not do so then I'm happy to comply.
Sheesh. I might just not bother posting anything on these boards if I'm going to get people being just plain mean
I'm working on a force-a-nature replacement at the moment, with the same pencil theme going on.
I'm having a bit of trouble getting the weights thing to work though, so the animations don't work at all
Not necessarily. Mostly only 14 year old kids act completely idiotic on the internet because they know it's anonymous. I've barely seen any of that at Polycount over the last 2 years I've been here. Most of the times that people are being harsh here is tough love to try help the artist progress. Rarely is it like Fragus' post.
And Fragus, chill, seriously.