I've been meaning to model a frog slash angler fish like character for a while now. Big inspiration is Davy Jones and the idea is that this being lives as a sentinel guard for an ancient underwater civilization.
The armor I was going for is sort of a cross between Samurai and Roman with nautilus decorations and think leather. I haven't worked on the game mesh yet, the base mesh is at 15k Tris which I'm posting. Also I modeled the character in Max and and sculpt with polypaint in Zbrush.
Is all looking good! looking forward to see more!
now...wtf is the second post with the thumb nails. lol, i just cant seem to make a connection.
Thanks for the crit! Right now I'm transferring the polypaint in xnormal. Some odd reason zbrush crashes when I try to extract texture with my current uvs even though they appear ok.
Cleaned up the textures in PS a bit and added a spec map. Rendered in 3ds max w/ raytraced shadows and no gi. I think I'm going to do a bit more clean up and then call it good for this guy.
I've been thinking about adding some patterns to the armor (perhaps Minoan?), and maybe some stripes or additional textures to the skin.
Just some more progress.
I took the liberty to try out different eyes visually:
Nonetheless I still love it. I love everything oddworld and it being oddworld-y is in no way a bad thing.