Having a problem triangulating a high res mesh in Maya. It triangulates the smoothed mesh (seemingly), but when I run a check for n-gons, faces are highlighted that are CLEARLY triangulated.
I delete history and export .obj, only to get (n-gon) errors when trying to bake. Strange...
Anybody seen this before?
Thanks for your help
Running out of options, me thinks :poly116:
string $curSelObj[] = `ls -sl`;
PolySelectConvert 3; //verts
polyMergeVertex -d 0.0001;
select -cl;
selectMode -o;
select -r $curSelObj;
Thanks for the leads, guys.
I'd still like to know whats going on (this workaround is a pain). Seems I can't attach any .objs to the forum, though.
Give that a look. I smooth it with 2 divisions, then triangulate, and check for ngons. I'm curious to find out if you can replicate the same error.