I just said yes to an offer for one of their environment artist contract positions for Brink. My startdate will be "asap".
It's a very short contract (with a possibility of an extension) but I'm still superstoked to start there and get some of the top dawgs in the industry to tear into my art and hopefully part with some of their yummy wisdom.

PS: I really wanna try and get some great genuine fish n chips this time. I didn't find any when I was over there for the interview

Good luck!
oh and Brink is my most anticipated game this year at the moment, just looks outstanding.
Dan: I will certainly join you at the next meet up if i'm there around that time. A bit unsure of what date it is but i'm willing.
Congratulations on the new jerb!
perna: you know we don't listen to you
JFletcher... believe it or not, we are watching you!
Its gonna be awesome
JFletcher: Not that I have much say but you should have a very easy time to get a gig there. Top class portfolio. Send in an open application?
Oh and guys. I'll just use this thread for it.
As you can see in my sig my domain crapped out on me. I've been to busy this month to remember to renew it (even though i thought i did) so it got locked down. It's all good and well though. I've wanted to change it for quite some time.
www.andrewahlgren.com if you want my goodies!
(Nice portfolio too!)
lol @ EMPLOYED stamp on portfolio
ha! reat work, and good luck with the new jewbs
but i miss your old handle Pig
that game looks awesome already!
Tea, Thanks for liking it, it was slightly rushed so there's a few nooby mistakes (like the end parts of the wood.) but at least i was aware of them all the way through.
Winterlord i'm probably starting the 5th of july. They wanted me as soon as possible and that's the date I gave them. It's not an official start date yet. I have some stuff to do before that date (+ a huuuuge show in Malmö to visit this weekend).
osman: you're freaking me the fuck out now. Am i at the desk closest to the gimpcage? or is it the gimpcage!? I bet it's one of the desks facing the conference rooms (with walls of glass) xD
Either way. I'll take some crap for awhile just to get a chance to get some brink and mopaction on hehe.