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[portfolio] Rens


  • Moosey_G
    I absolutely love those bug sculpts and texture, amazing! The site is looking pretty clean, in your info page you misspelled "describe" and also forgot the capitalize the I in "..I am self..."

    Edit: Now it's perfect!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Been waiting for this portfolio update forever Rens you prick tease. Your stuff is great man, hope Bungie comes knocking on your door soon :D
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
  • bounchfx
  • duxun
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    rens: those nudes are stunning

    got to love the console RPG style menu.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    absolutely stunning work!
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Everything on that sight was horrible except for the text, frames, and pictures.

    Great job :)

    Wow thats some amazing photography also
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    looks nice man ! but maybe less images because you have like 5 assets there but tons of images of each , just 1 image of each asset is sufficient imo.

    Your photography kicks all kinds of ass man !!!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Awesome work, Congrats!

    My only crit is with the image size on some of these. You seem to have a ton of empty space on many of them, and some of the images are actually larger than my 1920x1200 resolution. I would imagine on smaller resolutions this would become a big issue. I don't care much for loading images like that either, but I suppose that is personal preference.

    But on the other hand when no one is criting your work you must be doing something right. ;) I really love that dragon fly, stunning really.
  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    Woooooo finally :D and yar it all looks super sex ;P! i absolutely LOVE that red bug render really nice work.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Sick stuff Rens, you inspire me to give a shit about creative creations again :D
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    I told you before, i love the bugs, I love the variety you have going on. I have some remarks though:

    -while the menu is creative, I'm no fan of the background (concrete kinda thing). I'd just drop it and go for simple two tone styling.
    -You have one of your older lowpoly organics in there, the bug thing. It seems less relevant, I'd just drop it. Doesn't show anything better than the two bugs do.
    -You halo style props, the turret and bazooka notable, aren't presented as well as the newer stuff. Their lighting and material definition could be better. Just spend an hour or so extra on doing the screengrabs again, as you show more presentation skill with the newest images.
    -Your CV, don't keep it as image only, at it's a bit hard to read with the current font, and might be advisable to add a PDF or DOC version.

    And a general remark regarding the US/Canada position you're looking for: don't become to fixed on the country. Reading this kind of stuff: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1124872&postcount=6 I'd say it's better just to get some experience first, before dreaming about the states. Plenty of good companies in Europe too.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Wut!!!! It's up!!!!! YEAHHH!!!!

    [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cf45I1ZI__w[/ame] !!! You been listening to lots of that one, huh?? :D

    Looking good, now get applyin' so you can win your bet and get out of there!! :D

    Just one thing: Why does it say your portfolio is up as of July 1st? Have I missed something? Are we in the future already? @.@ (But good choice of day! Yay Canada Day!! lol)
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    the dragonfly is insane, pretty close to photoreal.

    the zeus sculpt on the other hand looks a bit weird. the face is great, but the legs looks really large and stocky. not sure if its just the perspective thats wonky.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18

    Congrats good sir, I know you've been bustin' ass getting this portfolio ready, i'm excited to see what comes your way good sir... HUGZ AND KISSES!
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12

    At first I was like "what the fuck is up with that ugly ass menu?" but then I realized it's from my favourite game ever. I almost feel embarrased now.

    I would drop that little squirrel - while I do like it, it's nowhere close to your kickass nude and halo drawings.

    I also think that droppig your last 2 3d pieces might be a good idea; that Zeus doesn't strike me as finished and that clay render of I-have-no-idea-what-the-hell-is-that seems out of place.

    These were the only crits I could think of (apart from the things that were already said). Pimp this shit out, get a job and rock on baby!
  • Rens
    Thanks a bunch guys, really is great to hear :D

    I planned on having more done, but my time got limited for i had some work.
    Looking at what i've done now, i cant help but think it's not good enough, so ill just take a break for a few days and start pushing it again.

    Though this time i will not really focus on 3d too much, i got the bossbattle to do and i still want to do a character/ texture the portrait.

    Johny, i hear ya man,
    The problem is with only a hand full to show, it would become very thin.
    And if i want to get anywhere, i need to show all i've got in skill range.
    I did not see wich ones i could leave out for that matter, but i'll throw some out and merge some shots once i get a bit more work done.

    If im not mistaken, non of the images go above 1500 pixels,
    only in hight some go above screen size.
    I think most of us work on a high resolution, so im taking the gamble and use that as the standart. You can click on the black part outside an img to quick close it, so you dont need to find the buttons, becomes easier to view things, think it works best for now.

    Not to forget! I used the xoliul shader in most cases,
    - The menu is kept in its style, can be a bit distractive, but ill keep it for now, knowing that ill change it again some day.
    - Check, dropped the bug thing.
    - Will try and redo those shots, quite curious to what it can be actualy, been a while since i did those, so maybe spend a few hours fixing some stuff and doing new presentation work. Ill also try and redo what ever presentation i have going, im not too happy looking at some of these now.
    - I'll add a text file so it is easier to read/downloadable for the CV

    And yeah i know the overseas is a real long shot, and ill probably end up failing anyway. Now i have nothing going for me, it is a good reminder and it gives me a boost. Plus you might never know what happens, even if an non overseas company sees it. And as long as it does not hurt my image, i might as well keep it up for now.

    Yes Ma'am!
    I actualy think i will not be applieing any time soon, not good enough yet :P
    Hahahaha, hell yeah that song made my day, :D
    Oh and yeah, i wanted to launch it on the 1st, but since i did not have anything that would made the difference, i just gave it a kick.
    Is it beer o clock already?! :P

    The sculpt was an old version, lots of mistakes i took out/ still have to fix,
    Took it down for now so it looks better :)

    Jason.. ?
    You better step back or there will be love all over the place.

    No joke.

    Gold tea actualy, but its getting cold. Might not be such a bad thing with the sticky blah hot weather here.
    Be embarrased!, hahaha, i dont know how long it will be there.
    But.. i like squirrels..
    Dropped the last img's!

    Guys, really, appreciate your posts!

    Now it's time to stamp this portfolio as outdated, and create something better.


    // Oh and blender,
    I bet the only time Bungie starts knockn on my door, is when they start missing things xD
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    Hey there . I dont really have any critiques just wanted to say, that you have some very awesome work in there. ( I especially like the nudes just wooow ). Good luck man :)
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