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Would anyone be interest in ... portfolio socialnetworking type site

Would anyone be interested in a new website designed for Artists and Game / Film developers as a portfolio and social network site? This would not be a replacement for polycount nor a forum.

I was thinking about starting the site so that people here can host their artwork to post on the forums here without having to use imagehost and not be able to keep track of what they upload. From there I was thinking that I could probably put a little more work into it and have it work like deviantart a little and add a social aspect to it. I could probably add video hosting capability to it also. Maybe even add a blog system to it.

I think this could be a great tie-in to polycount. I know cgsociety has something sort of like this.

If I can get enough people interested in it I could probably have a site up and running in a week or so.


  • Andreas
    Offline / Send Message
    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I think maybe you just described CGHub...
  • jeramy79
    I've seen CGHub before, and it's very nice. But, I was thinking of something a bit more simple than that. Maybe more on the social aspect also. Something like when you sign on facebook you have a wall, but with this you're wall would show maybe the latest things your friends were working on. My original idea was just to have an easier place to store art / videos that you can put on the forums here. I also noticed the sticky here saying that polycount wasn't your own personal blog, which is understandable.

    I was thinking no forums, no articles, just a simple place to host your stuff and see what your friends are hosting or working on. I know there are art sites out there, but I was thinking about it with just a focus on this type of art and developing it with input from this community for this community.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    I usually upload everything to my website, and linkedin/polycount/facebook handle the social networking part. I don't think I would use a site like you're suggesting.
  • jeramy79
    I'm going to go ahead and create the site. Anyone got any good names in mind?
  • jeramy79
    Well, I started the site. It's in the most basic form right now, but if anyone wants to be a tester for me and upload some of their stuff and make suggestions or tell me about bugs, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    The site url is: http://www.gdsociety.com

  • PieJesu
    Looks like a rip-off of Facebook.

    You aren't chinese per-chance?

    But seriously speaking, anything that looks like Facebook is bad in my books.

    Doesn't seem to have any innovative features. Doesn't seem to have anything to suggest it has anything to do with CG other than the website name.

    So what does it have that none of the other 100+ social networking sites have, and that is specifically geared towards CG?
  • Moosey_G
    It looks like photobucket, is there even a place to converse with others?
  • Slum
    Offline / Send Message
    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Odd choice of name. Game design is not game art.
  • Mark Dygert
  • TomDunne
    Offline / Send Message
    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18

    Pay special attention to numbers 1, 2 and 5.
  • jeramy79
    Slum wrote: »
    Odd choice of name. Game design is not game art.

    Yeah the name sux. It's basically just temporoary until I can think of something appropriate.
  • jeramy79
    PieJesu wrote: »
    Looks like a rip-off of Facebook.

    You aren't chinese per-chance?

    But seriously speaking, anything that looks like Facebook is bad in my books.

    Doesn't seem to have any innovative features. Doesn't seem to have anything to suggest it has anything to do with CG other than the website name.

    So what does it have that none of the other 100+ social networking sites have, and that is specifically geared towards CG?

    Lol, no I'm not chinese.

    As far as it looking like facebook, i just slapped it up last night. I used a social network script. Over the next week or so I'm going to work on getting it's interface to look different. From there I'm going to add better features.

    As far as what does it have over the other socialnetworking sites, I guess as of right now absolutely nothing different. My original thoughts were to specifically gear it just for CG and just for polycount to host images for the forums. I surf this site daily from work when I'm bored and I can't see any images because imagehost and photobucket are blocked. I figure alot of other people probably have the same problem too.

    I also surf sites like garagegames.com and unity3d, and notice that alot of indie game developers there are always asking for artists and willing to pay. And, artists there are always looking for direction and examples of others works for other games. I know most of you guys here are well above and beyond working with indie games, but I know that the begining artists there would so appreciate you guys.

    So that's why I figured I'd add the social networking aspect to the image hosting. I don't want to include forums there because POLYCOUNT's forums are obviously always going to be superior and it's not the focus of what I want my site to be anyways.
  • EarthQuake
    Isn't polycount a social networking site? I mean, we dont post new threads when we take a poop(well, most of us... adam), but... yeah
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