I'm very curious to hear what people think. Gotta wait til pay day for me, but it's getting very nice reviews. One review called it this years Arkham Asylum, which is exactly what I was hoping for.
Is there a single player campaign for the game? I tried the demo, and wasn't as impressed as I had hoped to be Maybe a SP campaign would be different though.
Yes, there is a very extensive Single Player campaign, and the release version of the multiplayer is far more in-depth than the demo was. I'm not sure what the release dates in the UK are...you guys would know better than me!
Heck I'm buying it. That and this commercial have sold it.
hahah that commerical was on every single gametrailers video for over a month, I fucking despise it hahaha. I really hate this pre-order at game stop and get this exclusive shit, its for 80-90% of games nowdays. makes me want to kill.
Anyways, The game looks awesome, they are doing what arkham asylum did here in canada anyways, first 3 days its only 39.99 at futureshop/bestbuy ill probably grab it.
I want to know how well the controls work on the PC? It looks like its Unreal Engine 3 based? Also, is High Moon an indie company from Activision or are they owned?
Me wants if its good.
IGN gave us a 9/10 and a really great review!
It's out on Friday over here. Looks awesome, definitely one of my most-anticipated titles of the year.
Glad it's getting good reviews - well done Don and all the rest of the High Moon guys!
Yeah I saw that...fucking awesome. THAT'S knowing the franchise.
Played it last night multiplayer coop. Almost done with it though.
Not really great, but I'm a TF fan, so it's the best we're going to get for a long while.
hahah that commerical was on every single gametrailers video for over a month, I fucking despise it hahaha. I really hate this pre-order at game stop and get this exclusive shit, its for 80-90% of games nowdays. makes me want to kill.
Anyways, The game looks awesome, they are doing what arkham asylum did here in canada anyways, first 3 days its only 39.99 at futureshop/bestbuy ill probably grab it.
Congrats to all the highmoon dudes!
I want to know how well the controls work on the PC? It looks like its Unreal Engine 3 based? Also, is High Moon an indie company from Activision or are they owned?