I'm currently asking myself the question about skybox... Which way to get the best result. Half sphere, cylinder box? Do you Bake everything or do you paint everything...
it's pretty confusing.
To me I prefer Painting everything
what do you do?
Here is a alternative way to render cubemaps in max.
As show in the picture, you can load a spherical environmet map into the environment slot and "covert" it to a cubemap. Usefull if you got a ton of hdri environments like me.
The only advantage of this method compared to the one already in the wiki is that it directly generates a dds file. There is one big minus though, the cubemaps are limited to a size of 256x256 per face, but maybe thats enought for one.
I know this is an old thread, but just wanted to note that at least in max 2013, picking objects when you use the slate editor has issues. As in, wasn't working at all for me. Soon as I switched to the classic material editor I was able to pick objects.
Some stuff here.
wow just tried that and came up with great results super quick. Thanks for posting it
Tanks a lot
As show in the picture, you can load a spherical environmet map into the environment slot and "covert" it to a cubemap. Usefull if you got a ton of hdri environments like me.
The only advantage of this method compared to the one already in the wiki is that it directly generates a dds file. There is one big minus though, the cubemaps are limited to a size of 256x256 per face, but maybe thats enought for one.
also added links to Vue and Terragen
Glad I could contribute a bit
nice way doing it.