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Oddworld Portfolio Piece

Yo this thread is just to show the current portfolio pieces I am working on as I have not long finished Uni and thought it best to get straight to work on my portfolio while I have the chance (as hopefully will have a job soon fingers crossed).

I'm am planning on making a few different characters and some scenes to place them in/levels to put them in and then render them in UDK.

So far I have the base of the Slig I'm building and so will be soon starting his sculpts. Hopefully you guys and girls like what I have to show you but I would appreciate any constructive criticism if you notice any faults or even just have any tips to help in the workflow process :)

Anyway here are a few screen shots of what I have so far

Enjoy :)


  • Zack Fowler
    Offline / Send Message
    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Why the red text? That's nearly impossible to read.
  • Bold Elf
    I just like red lol I have increased the text size hopes that helps
  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
  • Zack Fowler
    Offline / Send Message
    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    You should want the focus to be on your work, not your text color and choice of font. Red text on a dark background is obnoxious and hard to read at any size.

    Nobody is even going to see it until they've already clicked over to check out your post. All you stand to do is drive people away with unreadable text.
  • Bold Elf
    I can see the joke you got anything constructive to say?

    And zackF point taken is it readable now?
  • Zack Fowler
    Offline / Send Message
    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    I've told no jokes. What I've been saying is constructive. It just isn't about your model, because that's not what grabbed my attention. That itself is the problem.

    I had a quick look at your blockout earlier and nothing particularly struck me as warranting criticism or praise. It's standard base mesh. Keep it going.
  • Bold Elf
    I've told no jokes. What I've been saying is constructive. It just isn't about your model, because that's not what grabbed my attention. That itself is the problem.

    I had a quick look at your blockout earlier and nothing particularly struck me as warranting criticism or praise. It's standard base mesh. Keep it going.

    Sos I didnt mean you as in makeing jokes I ment ZacD
  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Understanding how to use text and when its appropriate to use different styles/colors/sizes is important. Anything that is obnoxious will instantly take away from your work. Red is mostly used for used for marking errors or any warnings. You want your art to stand out in your posts/threads, not the text for being different just because. If you had a huge long post, using colors/titles/bullets/etc can help break it up and make it visually easier to read. Posting with red text just makes it look like you're someone who uses poor visual judgement on your myspace page just because its "cool"

    For sculpting, its normally best to avoid any long/skinny quads and try to keep them as square as possible. Adding some edge loops can easily fix that quickly.

    Its also good to make sure a base mesh subdivides well, it doesn't need to look perfect, but you just gotta watch out for weird smoothing errors/issues.
  • Bold Elf
    ZacD wrote: »
    Understanding how to use text and when its appropriate to use different styles/colors/sizes is important. Anything that is obnoxious will instantly take away from your work. Red is mostly used for used for marking errors or any warnings. You want your art to stand out in your posts/threads, not the text for being different just because. If you had a huge long post, using colors/titles/bullets/etc can help break it up and make it visually easier to read. Posting with red text just makes it look like you're someone who uses poor visual judgement on your myspace page just because its "cool"

    For sculpting, its normally best to avoid any long/skinny quads and try to keep them as square as possible. Adding some edge loops can easily fix that quickly.

    Its also good to make sure a base mesh subdivides well, it doesn't need to look perfect, but you just gotta watch out for weird smoothing errors/issues.

    As for the font colour I have changed that now and I wasn't trying to be obnoxious it was a minor mistake so no need to get arsy about it so how about you drop it and lets just forget it ok?

    and thanks for the tips I will keep that in mind it looks to subdivide fine so far I should hopefully have some sculpts up soon so you can see the progress.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    ZacD wrote: »
    Understanding how to use text and when its appropriate to use different styles/colors/sizes is important. Anything that is obnoxious will instantly take away from your work. Red is mostly used for used for marking errors or any warnings. You want your art to stand out in your posts/threads, not the text for being different just because. If you had a huge long post, using colors/titles/bullets/etc can help break it up and make it visually easier to read. Posting with red text just makes it look like you're someone who uses poor visual judgement on your myspace page just because its "cool"

    For sculpting, its normally best to avoid any long/skinny quads and try to keep them as square as possible. Adding some edge loops can easily fix that quickly.

    Its also good to make sure a base mesh subdivides well, it doesn't need to look perfect, but you just gotta watch out for weird smoothing errors/issues.

    Actually I get loads of unsolicited mail with red writing, not all of it just the bits they want you to notice and jump out at you, like Send No money now, or Earn one thousand dollars a week.

    Its some uncousncious trick.

    So if your looking to sell something red text might help and blue.
  • PogoP
    Offline / Send Message
    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Alright leave the poor guy alone and comment on his work...

    Looks good so far, are you taking it into Zbrush?
  • Bold Elf
    PogoP wrote: »
    Alright leave the poor guy alone and comment on his work...

    Looks good so far, are you taking it into Zbrush?

    Cheers for that lol and yeah should hopefully be getting it into Zbrush today
  • EarthQuake
    ZacD wrote: »
    Understanding how to use text and when its appropriate to use different styles/colors/sizes is important. Anything that is obnoxious will instantly take away from your work. Red is mostly used for used for marking errors or any warnings. You want your art to stand out in your posts/threads, not the text for being different just because. If you had a huge long post, using colors/titles/bullets/etc can help break it up and make it visually easier to read. Posting with red text just makes it look like you're someone who uses poor visual judgement on your myspace page just because its "cool"

    For sculpting, its normally best to avoid any long/skinny quads and try to keep them as square as possible. Adding some edge loops can easily fix that quickly.

    Its also good to make sure a base mesh subdivides well, it doesn't need to look perfect, but you just gotta watch out for weird smoothing errors/issues.

    ZacD actually wrote a response longer than 6 words, and it was sort of useful even! Imagine that.
  • Godemper0r
    Is your base just for sculpting? If so, I'd remove a lot of the "detail" you have, like the knuckles; stuff like that can actually work against you while sculpting. You want even quads distribution, except where you really want the detail to be, like the face, which has the lowest density. Also you need to work on your edge flow, all those lines coming up from the arms and over the back will probably cause issues, redirect those or at least space them out so you don't get flat spots.
  • Bold Elf
    [FONT=&quot]Cheers for the tips so far guys.

    I was wondering if anyone could help me improve my topology by doing a draw over more specifically around the back end of the torso (arms shoulders etc) Bellow is a 3/4 shot.

    Also here are a few screens of the sculpt so far :)
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